April 4th is National Tell a Lie Day

“Liar, liar, pants on fire,   Your nose is longer than a telephone wire” Written on a napkin and picked up by the garage band, the Castaways, in 1965, Liar Liar was their first and only hit single. As we have come to realize, there are all sorts of liars. There are liars by omission and those who are compulsive, narcissistic, pathological, and sociopathic. Their lies come in all shapes and sizes as do the cowards who tell them. What happens to a human’s brain when we tell a lie? Studies have shown that the amygdala, the part of the brain that is associated with emotion, is stimulated when someone tells a lie for personal gain. And each time a lie…


Potemkin President – Jester in Chief

Many of our readers may already be aware of what the Potemkin effect is. The Potemkin effect is that of creating a façade used when faring poorly and when one wants to make people believe that something is faring well when it is not. It is named after Grigory Potemkin, born in 1739, who was a Russian military leader, statesman, nobleman and favorite of Catherine the Great. Potemkin used a hoax involving construction of painted elaborate facades to mimic real villages full of happy, well-fed people for visiting officials to see. Potemkin was known for his love of women, gambling, and material wealth. Sound familiar? In politics, a Potemkin Village is a literal or figurative structure that’s sole purpose is…