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To be honest, we know that the last few blog writings have been heavy, reflecting what is happening in the world today. Some days feel like a runaway train or a roller coaster. We think it may be time to take a healthy break and center on something a bit different.

We are sure that we all remember George Gershwin’s soulful song, Summertime, from 1934 Porgy and Bess. The Janice Joplin version can plunge you right into summer and we bet it is best sung in a convertible or in an outdoor shower. “Summertime and the livin’ is easy….”

Summer is jammed into four months starting June 22nd and all the way into September. June, named after Roman goddess Juno, contains the summer solstice and the longest day of the year. July, named for Julius Caesar, hosts the biggest summer holiday on the 4thand is National Ice Cream Month. August personifies summer with National Watermelon Day and those sultry dog days. And then there is September that guides us into fall and back to reality.

In a few days, it will be summertime and, despite what might be happening in the world right now, you deserve to celebrate the summer. This may be a challenge but this does not make it any less important. Summer is a time to slow down, to have some fun, to put your feet up, read a good book, and rest your mind and body. It is lemonade, watermelon, the beach, the lake, the mountains, or the front yard sprinkler. It is ice cream and summer cocktails. It is time away from the ordinary routine. Summer is special!

Before September creeps up on you, take the time and make the time to listen to the rain and smell the air of summer. Whether it is popcorn in a cool movie theater, a walk in a pine forest, or French fries on the boardwalk, treat yourself this summer.

Ask yourself, what is your favorite summer memory? When you find it, sit with it for a while and smile. For we all deserve a summer like that – again.

Happy Summer!

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