Straightaway in the News

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There is some good news coming our way and a few glimmers of hope.

Now, we are hearing a number of Republicans think that the party has gone too far with restrictions on abortion and gay rights and that those two positions are out of step with public opinion. Says, Christine Matthews, a moderate Virginian Republican, “Republicans have taken things too far.” Has the party moved too far right and become out of sync by projecting hostility and alienating groups, including women? Indeed, it has!

In addition, there is a group of Republicans who believe that the election of 2020 was “Lost not Stolen.” The group, comprised of three prominent retired Federal Judges, former Senators, a former Solicitor General, Congressional Chief of Staff, and an election lawyer, all agree that there is no defensible case that Trump won the 2020 election. Their gleeful quote is, “We urge our fellow conservatives to cease obsessing over the results of the 2020 election and to focus instead on presenting candidates and ideas that offer a positive vision for overcoming our current difficulties and bringing greater peace, prosperity, and liberty to our nation,” Imagine that!

Another piece of good news is that it has been reported that Murdock and Fox News may be losing their enthusiasm for Trump. The bad news is that they are showing interest in Florida’s Ron DeSantis. Oh well, win some, lose some!

Now enter the Forward Party emerging this summer and co-chaired by Andrew Yang and former New Jersey Governor, Christine Todd Whitman. The Forward Party claims that it is a “new kind of party,” not left, not right, but forward. This newly formed group is focusing on fixing the current political system and building itself on the principles of Free People, Thriving Communities, and a Vibrant Democracy. It denounces divisiveness and extremism and is a movement to keep an eye on for we have not yet determined whether this is good news or bad news.

And now for the whopper of the week! If you need a good laugh or a good cry you must read about this. It has been called the trifecta of tax avoidance The crème de la creme of stories of the dead. As you may have heard, RIP Ivana Trump, gravity recently took its toll on her. So, as all good ex-husband’s do, they bury their ex’s at their golf resorts. Trump has earned his gold star this week by burying Ivana in his New Jersey Bedminster golf resort – on the first hole of the golf course.

Trump is pure genius and has now hit the jackpot by figuring out how to profit from the dead. My goodness, his father would be so proud of him because he may now be able to declare his golf course a cemetery and accumulate tax credits along the way. In New Jersey, a person dedicating their property for burial of human remains can be relieved of Real Property Taxes on the land, income taxes, sales and use taxes. Pure genius! This makes you wonder why Al Capone never thought of this. And what a wonderful use of the concept of multi-use and multi-purpose. How eco-minded of Trump!

You may be wondering once again how low Trump can go? Well, we now know the answer to that question which is at least 6 feet. We think the other members of his family better look out for there is money in them plots and 17 holes to go! Donald Trump now stands alone as our role model for tax avoidance. So much so that a big-bellied statue of Trump eating a Big Mac and fries should be on display for all to see in front of the IRS building in Washington, DC. Like in Roman times, Trump may turn to gilding himself with large statues, columns, and monuments galore. A forever legacy of what, we have no idea.

As each week goes by, we remain in awe of the nature of some of the human beasts in this world and of the angels that get us through the day. In most stories, there are devils and angels. You are the angels in our lives and we thank you for being there for us. For reading what we write and responding with your insight and opinions. Without you, there would be no reason to put pen in hand and share our deepest thoughts  with you. It is good to know that you are out there in real life and in our hearts.

 “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” -Tennessee Williams  (1911-1983)

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