Steady as She Blows…

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During these interesting and vexing times, it can be a struggle to put things in perspective. Sometimes it makes it easier to look to history for some insight. For some reason, we happened to think back to Greek mythology for some political enlightenment.                        

As you may recall from Greek Mythology, there was an island that was occupied by Sirens. Sirens were sort of hybrid beings – women that were half human and half bird.

The legend describes the Sirens as dangerous creatures whose sole purpose was to entice and lure nearby sailors with their enchanting music and sweet singing voices. As the fable goes, passing ships would clearly hear the Sirens’ song and were drawn in by its constant hypnotic melody as it was one that no man could resist. What the Mariners did not understand was that the songs were one of mantic truths and false promises which assured the sailors that they would become wiser and greater men.

Seafaring ships knew of the island and of the songs that tempted its sailors. But, as they sailed past the isolated island, they could not resist the song and lyre. The sailors who were seduced by the Sirens’ song were destined for shipwreck on the rocky coast. This assuredly resulted in their deaths at sea or on the island where they were starved or eaten by the cannibals (the Sirens). The Greeks were great story tellers!

According to the legend, Odysseus was a ship’s Captain who had heard of the Sirens and their interminable song. He heard of many ships that had been enticed to their doom by the unrelentless song and music.  He, a strong leader, was determined to hear the song and not be swayed by its curse. He directed his crew to stuff their hears with wax so they could not hear the song as they passed the island. As the story goes, the Captain tied himself to a pole as an endeavor to experience the Sirens himself but not be swayed to steer the ship towards the island. As he remained bound tightly to the ships mast, he could hear the loud and distinct Sirens’ call but was able to escape the compelling desire to head the ship towards the island. The legend has it that the Sirens were so upset by his restraint that they threw themselves into the sea and drowned.

Fast forward to 2020! We found the Sirens’ fable quite interesting and analogous to our current political time. Trump’s endless “Sirens’ songs” of lies and promises of power and wealth are destined, we hope, to lead many of Trump’s followers to their political demise, including his own. Maybe the idea of waxing the ears of reporters in the daily briefings would be an act of kindness and save them from the political siren call of the day. If all we needed to do to free ourselves from Trump’s “Sirens’ songs” is to tie ourselves “to the mast,” then we would do it. Unfortunately, it is not that easy. Trump’s string of misleading information, manipulation, and fabrications have created unparalleled homegrown chaos. He and his cronies have made their gains by taking advantage of the deep cracks in our society and in our democracy. Backed by the Tea Party, Trump, like the Sirens, has also been leading people to their demise. His handling of COVID-19, his denial of science, and his own made up science are sizable examples. What is now being called the “Party of Death” is working to strangle the middle class and crush the no-collar working class. This includes the postal service, meat packing, and service industries. It seems that this kind of destructive movement has been strengthening over time as the country has endured natural and created disasters and societal and financial wars. In many ways, Trump, like the virus, wants the desired outcome to be one where those who oppose him live below the surface or die. We are now being pitied by other countries and rightfully so. This is pitiful!

Today’s world necessitates that we engender leaders who are willing to be strong Captains and “tie themselves to the mast” in order to resist the lure of power and greed so that they can dutifully serve the people. As we ask if there are any heroes left who can resist the Siren’s song, one comes to mind – Joe Biden. Think for a moment, if Trump is the disease of malignant narcissism, greed, revenge, and insane leadership, then Biden is the cure. How we have longed for the sanity of the past and a selfless leader who can steady this ship. Biden’s selfless leadership would immediately provide a ray of light into the darkness and dismal age that a smirking Trump has created as he systematically destroys this country and the American way of life. Trump has played his presidency like a reckless Monopoly game filled with carnival stage shows where he touts his ego while dragging the country through his muck. For this illness, Biden is the cure. First of all, Biden is competent, experienced, well respected, and will listen to experienced and learned advisers. As we approach moral and economic destruction in this country, clearly, what we need now is a big cup of Joe!

As always, Be Kind

Go Joe!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sonny Scroggs

    Great article ladies.
    Keep the faith.

    1. 2gals4peace

      Sonny…thanks for your comments. Glad that you liked the article and we hope that you keep visiting and reading the posts. We really miss you in the hood. Hope that you and Ron are staying well. XO

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