Springing In

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As we spring ahead this week, we find that sometimes it is refreshing to get back to basics. In today’s world, we are constantly sensing our environment. The first question in life that we tend to ask ourselves seems to be “Am I safe?” Other questions follow such as, “Am I healthy and happy?”

Nestled between winter and summer, Spring is an opportunity for renewal and a time to answer those questions. It’s a time to think things through and to shake off the winter. It’s a perfect time to look at our relationships with people and with the earth. 

Author Harville Hendrix has stated that, “We are born in relationship. We are wounded in relationship. And we are healed in relationship.” It seems that relationships with people and with our world is everything.

So, as we contemplate the world and all that is in it, this Spring may we find contentment in the little things. Revel in the popping up of new flowers, the gradual change in temperatures, and smiles of old friends and those friends yet to be.

It has been said that walking together is the path to peace. So, let’s take a walk and remember to laugh. And…

May the light always find you on a dreary day.

When you need to be home, may you find your way.

May you always have courage and take a chance.

And never find frogs in your underpants.

– A middle-aged Scandinavian.  

From the Whimsy Museum – Sarasota

Enjoy your Spring and the new things it will bring. And remember DESSERTS spelled backwards is STRESSED. So, like an Easter rabbit, remember to eat your vegetables!

Spring Forward…

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” – Frederick Douglas  

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