Send in the Clouds!

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The last several nights, we have taken to watching the sunset. We have followed the clouds as they roll, wander, and eventually disappear.  Forming shapes of things we know and those we make up, the clouds capture our imagination and our curiosity. We always come back to asking what are clouds made of and what are all those colors about, especially at sunset? The reds, oranges and, as we saw last night, the purple clouds ahead of the gray and black.

We understand that the marriage of light and raindrops creates rainbows that are known as a symbol of hope and good fortune. But, clouds on the other hand are different. Apparently, their color depends primarily on the color of light that they receive from the sun.  The sun’s “white light” is said to combine all colors of the spectrum. It is amazing to think that all colors come from a “white light” but they do. Clouds are essentially made of water droplets or ice crystals floating in the air. As the water vapor condenses and air rises, blows around, or collides, it takes a ride on pieces of dust, pollen, and tiny suspended particles. Add the spectrum of white light and, voila, sunsets!

As you can see, there is a lot going on up there. Air, water, and the science of it all makes up those frothy magnificent clouds. Last night, we even saw an alligator, a rabbit, and an image of Jay Leno!  

When things on earth feel a bit too cumbersome, it may be time to look up and see the wonder of it all. Surely, if more of us took the time to look up, more earthlings would appreciate the science of nature and the beauty of humankind.

“It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.” – Bernard Williams

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