Save the Books

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Maggie authored a book for young people called Rapt Stack Mountain a couple of years ago. It is about a single, mouse mother who bears two children, Happy and Harmony. And the story goes on, cute and meaningful for all ages. When she offered a copy to the local library, the book sat for review forever and was never authorized to be on their shelf. Gee, we wonder why. A single mouse mother, pregnant, no obvious father, and two wonderful mice kids that explore life from a liberal perspective. Not in Florida!

Apparently not in Texas either as we learned that the Keller Independent School District in Texas has pulled over 40 books from their library shelves, including the illustrated version of The Diary of Anne Frank. That really makes us irate! Anne Frank, really? We would like to meet the privileged parent who challenged and complained about the diary of a struggling adolescent who was hiding from a Jewish death camp with her family and strangers for 761 days during the Holocaust. We would like to meet the cold-blooded bully of a parent who lacks the kind of heart that humans have for compassion, understanding, and the value of history. On the other hand, we may not want to meet them because they are probably outfitted with a fully loaded long gun, a bullet proof vest, and Christian National fangs.

Our research has shown that other States have considered the same kinds of bans, including Michigan, Tennessee, and Virginia. As a result of this movement, libraries will inevitably close. In Florida schools, some students will soon be taught by the Governor’s appointed and unqualified veterans, their spouses, and EMT’s. This is the Governor who recently stated proudly that “Florida is the State where WOKE comes to die.” And, it is also the State where if a teacher finds out that a student is gay or questioning, the teacher is required to tell the students’ parents. This is inevitably the State where more of these kids will commit suicide because of this action.

People…it is time to wake up and be woke before they take away our way of life, one book and one teacher at a time. Yes, Democracy at their hands has a chance of dying if we remain silent.

Beware of Ron DeSantis and his clones for he is the devil and the current day Hitler who is not going away anytime soon.

Be Cautious but not Silent  

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