Rise Up

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In last week’s blog, we challenged ourselves to be more positive and keep things lighter as we move towards election day. We cannot say that we are not going through some withdrawal by not writing about the week’s events surrounding the foolish happenings at the White House, but it does feel better not lingering over the madness. Now 87 days – that’s 12 weeks – until the election. Things are getting exciting!

On a chilly note for the National Ice Cream Month in July, we would like to give a belated shout out to Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. They are a Vermont company that opened in 1978 and has always supported social justice from same sex marriage to criminal justice reform. They are called activists who sell ice cream. The company has always promoted healing and reconciliation, the end to racial violence and are defenders of equal rights. The Ben & Jerry’s statement following George Floyd’s death was “we must dismantle white supremacy,” which demonstrated that companies have the opportunity, if they choose, to disavow white supremacy and nationalist groups while taking a stand.  If they can use ice cream to talk about social issues, imagine what we and others can do and accomplish.

Joe Biden’s VP announcement is forthcoming as we look forward to a woman on the ticket. We anticipate not only a woman but a woman of color. Women of color have worked, fought, and died for this country. There is a woman whom we would like to highlight. She is Dr. Gladys West who was born in Virginia in 1930 and is the individual who was instrumental in creating an important and widely used invention.  It is said that Dr. West knew, as a child some 90 years ago, that she did not want to work in the fields picking tobacco, corn, and cotton or in a factory like her parents had done. She worked to break that mold by studying math, becoming a teacher, and obtaining a master’s and PhD. Dr. West was the second black woman to be employed at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Virginia and worked there for 42 years. She retired in 1998. Dr. Gladys West, whom you might remember from the movie “Hidden Figures,” invented the Global Positioning System. Yes, the GPS! She was, after many years, finally inducted into the Air Force Space and Missile Pioneers Hall of Fame in 2018. She, a woman of color, was also presented with one of the Air Force’s Space Command’s highest honors.

As we think about who Joe Biden may pick for VP, let us remember how the women on his short list have been able to achieve that status. It was those women who taught, fought, and died for their beliefs who have paved the way. So, as we see the names Demings, Harris, and Rice on the VP list, remember how these women arrived there for they were carried on the backs of many black women before them.  As we debate whether to open schools, let us think about how we educate our youth. Historically, schools have neglected to educate students on issues of social justice, equality, the plight of the black, brown, LGBTQ and indigenous communities. If this history is not told, they will never learn the truth. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of all of us to teach and not to cover up. For in the words of feminist Margaret Mead, “We should never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world.”

So today, let us go onward and believe that we can change the world and, while we are doing so, grab some Ben & Jerry’s to reward ourselves.  We know that these three and a half years have been difficult. But, instead of dwelling on it, we want to look ahead to the possibilities that dangle before us. On November 3rd, after working the polls, we plan to safe distance with friends and await the vote tally. We have been imagining a landslide for Biden and the Senate as the data rolls in. We have felt ourselves preparing for the “beyond Trump” challenge of rebuilding our society and culture after its decay over the past four years.

This week in the news –

Banning TikTok is found to be a bad idea and a good way for Trump to lose more votes. Thanks to Sarah Cooper for keeping us laughing.

Calling Covid the “China virus” makes Trump look stupid as well as his Houston based “doctor” who is promoting “demon semen and devil sex.” This is probably just a new way of reproducing new Republicans.

Postal obstruction and voter suppression are key topics this week. As always, Trump has enough lawsuits on his plate to last his lifetime and beyond. As his rally goers are being described as puny crowds, we wonder if this is the new norm and is the tide turning? Let’s hope so! 87 days to go to know…

This blog is dedicated to those good hearted and devoted Teachers, School Nurses, School Social Workers, and all school personnel who teach the truth and nurture their students.

In solidarity, let us prepare, be patient, and look forward to rejoicing come November and beyond.


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