Restoring Our Democracy

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Do you ever wonder what people think of when they first wake up in the morning? Whether it’s getting up to go to work, taking care of their families or just themselves? What do we all face each day?

With any luck, we wake up with peaceful thoughts, brush our teeth, and go on with our day optimistic about the day and our world.

2 Gals 4 Peace has some thoughts about this for we now face each day with both gratitude and concern. Although there is always room for change and advocacy, as of late there seems to be more of a need for us as humans to ensure that we act more humanely. This is certainly due to the present political culture that seems to be moving away from respectful and dignified treatment of each other.

The current political climate in our country is one that has created a not so quiet war that is an attack on our equal rights and privileges. It especially targets women, minorities, and immigrants. These attacks also affect our climate, thus the air we breathe, what we eat, and the water we drink.

This country has never seen a dictator move in, set up camp in the White House, disregard our Constitution, and make every effort to undermine our democracy. Well, it has happened so ask yourself, now what?

To begin, there needs to be a strategy for reinstating peace in DC and throughout the country. 2 Gals feel strongly about supporting ideas and initiatives that inspire positive change to protect the earth, work toward equality, promote kindness, and encourage us to come together peacefully.

What can we all do?

All of us need to mark November 3,2020 on our calendars and make sure that we VOTE.  We need to educate ourselves and vote smart. It is our right and our privilege. Let’s encourage all of our friends to VOTE! This is the most effective way that we can change what is happening in our country and restore our democracy.

It is time to put our democracy over party and support our Constitution to protect our freedom now and in the future.

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