Refuse Hate

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It is hard to imagine a person or a political party that is hate filled. We believe that truly functional people find it far more satisfying to love rather than hate and to make friends rather than enemies. So today, we want to address the joy of true and different friendships.

Humans are social creatures and for us friendships are essential.  Originally, humans made friends to survive. Safety in numbers so to speak. Now humans do it because we have a need to affiliate. Friendships on all levels are important components of adult life and being with others and having friends adds to our emotional and physical health. Social interaction is essential to every aspect of our overall health. Loneliness is the most difficult part of life and, therefore, the greatest torture of a human being is isolation.  A Harvard study has indicated that having no friends may be as deadly as smoking. Friendships fill our hearts and souls and helps with stress and promotes healthy structure.

Many years ago, we read a short article in Real Simple magazine about the 5 types of friends that everyone should have. The takeaways from this article have stuck with us over the years as the points are well taken. During these difficult times, as we find ourselves reentering the social world, we have the opportunity to embrace all types of friendships and appreciate their differences. It beats the alternative!

The 5 Types of Friends from the article are:

The Comic Relief friend is someone who can help pull you out of that hole and provide you with laughter therapy. You may laugh and cry all at the same time.

The Challenger is brutally honest. Not always easy but this can be the basis for a trustworthy friendship. They are as real as the friendship.

The Loyalist is a real pal that will hang out with you when you are at your worst, unshowered, dirty hair and bad attitude – they get it.

The Life Coach is strong and provides pep talks and hope. You might not see them often but, when you do, get ready to be energized.

The Risk Taker is an adventurous friend who nudges you out of your routine. They inspire you to move out of your bubble and to become excited about new adventures. They push you to safely explore!

When faced with the alternative of making a friend or an enemy, for us the choice is clear. We would rather be challenged by a friend. In your daily life, if you have the option, refuse hate. Do not get drawn in by bad behavior, mean attitudes, or take the bait from potential enemies. Life is too short to spend time with the negative. Who knows what kind of friend might enter as a result!

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” 

Maya Angelou

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