Really, You Are Angry, Too?

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OK, yes, we are angry. We shouldn’t be but we are. The heck with shoulds. But at the same time we understand that it is healthy to move away from that angry place. When we are angry, we virtually give our energy and power away and, today, more than ever, we need all of the energy that we can muster. Isn’t it better to refocus and not allow ourselves to become distracted with petty “Trump” stuff? Clearly, the opposing side’s game plan is to distract us from critical matters. Climate change, discrimination, health care, and immigration all fall by the wayside when all of our conservative leaders follow Trump like a hungry puppy. The fear of Trump that his followers exhibit is akin to a neglected child who is hungry for love and power. What a disgrace!

And, yes, here we stand amazed when only one person stands up from what is left of the former Republican Party. Today, we put a thank you note in the mail to Mitt Romney and we suggest that everyone do the same to thank him for his courage and his respect for the law and for our Constitution. Inevitably, he has been receiving criticism from the conservative media, the Trump base, and the now “Trump Party” in an attempt to discredit him. At the same time, good people who have spoken the truth about Trump’s evil doings are being discredited. Despite their history of years of loyalty to this country, these courageous government workers are being removed from their jobs and from the White House for speaking the truth. In the midst of all of this, Trump expresses no contrition for his lawless deeds and is unrelenting.

Let’s face it, this country is in peril.

But we must not be distracted by the small stuff that Trump and his people stir up. Trump’s State of the Union turned into a circus and the prayer breakfast was a typical Trump rally laced with his disgusting remarks. Did we expect greater from someone lacking character? Trump’s loathing and resentment of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is sickening and not fitting of any leader of the free world. As all this goes on behind the scenes as he is stacking the courts with lifetime Trump conservatives, attacking Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, healthy school lunches for hungry children, opening up State Parks for drilling, ignoring cities that do not have clean drinking water, and destroying the environment by removing regulations. He has attacked presidential candidates as Socialists when he recently spent millions of taxpayers’ dollars to bail out farmers. He cares nothing for our Puerto Rican brothers and sisters. Regarding our friends and allies, especially in Australia right now, Trump has shown no heart for those affected by the fires that have displaced families from their homes and killed far too many animals to even count.

So, here we are again asking what to do now?

Here is what we think:

  1. Support those who support us. Many are running for office and some are already there. Let them know that you are still on their side.
  2. Do not expect Trump to change. Don’t waste your time. If anything, he will only get worse. Narcissistic Rage is dangerous and so is he.
  3. Stay focused. Do not allow yourself to be distracted. Keep your eye on the prize and on your political goals.
  4. Volunteer your time, support your cause with money, emails, text or phone calls. Send cards and letters expressing your opinion and support. Our good leaders need to hear from us. Pace yourself.

For those of you who remember, in the 1960’s, we took to the streets to support and raise awareness for many causes such as the Vietnam War and Equal Rights. Like then, we believe that it is going to be a long road to achieving peace and social justice. Hopefully, we will be on that road to recovery beginning in November, 2020.

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