Quietly Checking In

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Sometimes it is nice to seek quiet, stillness like fresh fallen snow, no distractions, no sound, only quiet. For a moment we are doing just that and taking a break from the chaos and the bedlam to reflect on you, our readers. We have been remiss in not recognizing all of you for your efforts and contributions in working to save our Democracy and supporting each other along the way. We understand that each day, by your actions and/or by how you live your lives, you are making a significant difference in this challenging world.

You live in Vermont, Virginia, Florida, DC, Delaware, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Canada, Switzerland and beyond. From all over, your efforts include writing tons of postcards, educating folks, and encouraging people to vote. You work for election sites and voting rights, work the polls, hold political office, and you are NAACP members and leadership. You listen to, care about, and take care of those in crisis. You stand up for those struggling at home and in war-ridden countries. You are trailblazers in your own right and we admire and respect you for that distinction.

We appreciate you and what you do more than you can imagine. Because

together we can…

Be strong enough to not use force but to use our voices and our votes

Be strong enough to use kindness and not our fists

Be strong enough to bring peace and turn away from chaos and bedlam

Together we are all human beings trying our best to be humane. We are connected, even if miles away, working together to bring good and denounce evil. We smile because of you – and each day we remember that you are out there.

If you have any suggestions, readings or practices that help you through these times, please feel free to share them with us and we will pass them on in future blogs.

Recommended reading by one loyal reader –

Thank You for Being Late by Tom Friedman.

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