Questioning the News

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Some days it is a challenge to write. We always ask who might we forget or who might we offend? But, the news goes on and we have many questions about it.

For example –

Why is Clarence Thomas still allowed on the Supreme Court? Is Clarence Thomas a scofflaw? It’s clear that he has been given and has taken unreported gifts, has taken illegal real estate tax deductions, seemingly lied, and manipulated the law. And with him, it’s a couple’s game with Ginni by his side. Crooked man, crooked woman. Apparently, the Supreme Court has little regulatory oversight and few routes for disciplining its judges. In 1804, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase nicknamed, “Old Bacon Face,” was charged with extremely irregular and indecent behavior. After much effort to impeach him and despite him “seriously lacking in judicial temperament,” Chase did not get the votes to impeach him and dodged the impeachment bullet. As said back in that time, “Old Bacon Face dodged the frying pan.”

Now back to today –

Why is finger licking Ron DeSantis as popular as fried chicken in Florida? How can that be as Ron is a fiend to women, minorities, immigrants, gays, trans, books, culture, health care, personal freedom, Disney, and anyone who does not think or look like him.

Both Thomas and DeSantis must be very fearful little men on the inside. They are such small men, to say the least, who on the outside lust for power. And, they seek this supremacy with their sinister little wives by their sides! It begs the question of how much power does one need in this lifetime.

And…do you know the origin of the word Scofflaw?

The word scofflaw was formed during the Prohibition era in 1923 when wealthy Massachusetts Prohibitionist, Delcevare King, held a nationwide contest to create a word to define a “lawless drinker.”  The winning word, scofflaw, originally referred to a person who drank illegally or ignored anti-drinking laws. After the end of Prohibition, it later expanded in the 1950’s to refer to anyone who violates the law and not just related to drinking. Until recently, it was not a popular title to own but is a great Scrabble word!

And there are more questions like –

Who needs or who should have a semi-automatic rifle? Like children when you tell them they cannot have something, some want it even more. For example, when President Clinton in 1994 signed a ban on the sales of many types of semi-automatic rifles, it set the stage for the explosion in AR-15 sales. Trump, who has probably never touched a gun, brought about an era of increased gun sales. So goes what we call the God and Guns crusade that has resulted in fatal injuries and certain deaths that we are seeing in this country every day!

More questions-

Will Joe Biden run again? Is thinking and saying that he is “too old” to run, a form of ageism? Are we knowingly “age shaming” Joe? Do we as progressive thinkers understand and comprehend that ageism is a form of discrimination?

Today we are surrounded by Questions and Facts –

Fox News lies. Trump, Santos and MTG are crooks. 21-year-old National Guardsmen should not be given top secret clearance. The earth is warming. Fungus and floods are coming. Sea levels are rising. The blob is here! Invasive species are moving in. Reading the daily news is enough to give you heartburn, if not a heart attack.

Growing up in DC, Maggie remembers how relaxing it was for her and her family to read the Washington Post in the morning and the Evening Star (which ceased publication in 1981) in the evening. Yes, two papers in one day. After being read, the newspaper was usually re-used to wrap fish, for paint projects or puppy pads, or to start a fire in the fireplace on weekends in the winter. It was useful on many levels. Now, we wonder if it is worthy of the news it produces or the paper it is printed on.

One happy paper-reading family in the 1950’s 

North       East         West                South      

That’s the NEWS for now.  

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