Potemkin President – Jester in Chief

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Many of our readers may already be aware of what the Potemkin effect is. The Potemkin effect is that of creating a façade used when faring poorly and when one wants to make people believe that something is faring well when it is not. It is named after Grigory Potemkin, born in 1739, who was a Russian military leader, statesman, nobleman and favorite of Catherine the Great. Potemkin used a hoax involving construction of painted elaborate facades to mimic real villages full of happy, well-fed people for visiting officials to see. Potemkin was known for his love of women, gambling, and material wealth. Sound familiar? In politics, a Potemkin Village is a literal or figurative structure that’s sole purpose is to provide a façade that lacks real substance. It is the definition of a sham.

The Trump Administration’s use of the Potemkin effect could not be better displayed than at the Republican National Convention this week. The staged, 4-day circus event was merely a disguise and a cover up for the shortcomings of the last 4 years. And, in the words of Carole King, “It was nauseating.” The RNC message was that everything is going to hell now so let’s give Trump another 4 years. That is fascinating logic!  The Party’s one and only platform item is “Trump to the rescue” as the sky is falling while demonizing the Democrats as child molesters and scofflaws.  In this alternative world, is there no bottom?

As Americans continue to be negatively affected by Covid with deaths, family and business disruptions, and a country that teeters on the verge of an economic collapse, the Republicans build their virtual Potemkin Village as a tribute to their leader. As the true Republican Party dies and the Trump Party emerges, the Senate remains dormant and silenced as if drugged by some strange element that has snatched their minds and morals. They follow a leader who thinks the KKK is made up of “good people”, that the hate group QAnon “like me” and “want to protect me.” Trump has such a terrific need to be liked and protected. What a pitiful man!

In the words of Michael Cohen, “He will do anything to win.” In his book, “Disloyal”, Cohen writes of things that Trump “does not want you to read.” The account of corruption and lies surrounding Trump keep pouring in as Trump’s sister and niece chime in. The US Post Master General, Louis DeJoy, apparently recently lied before Congress stating, “I had no idea that that was in process” when asked about the 700 mailboxes that were taken away and the many sorting machines that were destroyed.  He could not even answer basic questions like what stamp is needed for a post card? 35 cents, Mr. DeJoy!

We have written about duplicity before but we need to ask when did lying become fashionable? It seems with the new order of Trump, it has become easier to lie as seen with the Trump group of Bannon, Flynn, Cohen, Stone, and his immediate family. And, let us add the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Jr. to his clan of followers. Lying is a habit, an unhealthy one, like stealing. Studies show that the amygdala portion of the brain changes when we are dishonest. With lying, the amygdala becomes less active and, the more you lie, the easier it becomes.  As apparent with Trump, self-interest fuels dishonesty and, thus the more he lies. Lying begets lying and, as we learned as children, one lie leads to another. I  guess Trump missed that lesson in his upbringing. Oh, how we wish that people had Pinocchio noses.

A friend of ours, who is from California, reported this week that he was confronted in a Florida restaurant by a Trumper. The Trumper yelled at him, saying the reason that California is burning is because of “all of you liberals and the gays.” The Trumper’s wife went on to say that things will be just fine because Trump was “sent by God.” Oh yes, what a God-send Trump has been! Could it be that Trump’s followers really are aliens in disguise as we have thought for some time? The ostensible reason why California is burning is because the Trump Administration has failed to address and continues to deny the existence of climate change and thus an environmental crisis.  Trump laughed and made fun of Greta Thunberg, Swedish environmental activist, who went on to become Time’s Person of the Year in 2019. And yes, Trump thought that he should have been awarded that honor. 

As we can see, the old Republican Party is dead and the Trump Party is bubbling up. Despite the claims of religion and the Evangelicals outpouring for Trump, there is no love for thy neighbor in this Trump Party. It is a pure love of self and love your money party. We are not religious but we do believe in kindness. As we listen to this President, he fails to display the teachings of love and kindness as stated in Leviticus 19:9-18. Does he leave something for his neighbor or is he greedy and takes it all? Does he steal, oppress, or rob his neighbor? Does he practice injustice, hate, slander, or take vengeance, or bear a grudge? You bet he does! The serpent lives and the only solution is that on November 3rd we cut off its head. Now that sounds biblical doesn’t it!  So, when you meet someone who is on the fence about who to vote for, you might ask them which candidate do they really think practices the human ability to “Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself?”

With 66 days left until the General Election, we would like to continue to thank those who are saving lives, bringing us the news, delivering our mail, stocking our grocery shelves, mowing our lawns, picking up our trash, teaching and learning, and honorably protecting our freedoms. There are many heroes who have made voting a privilege for us today. One hundred years ago, the Suffragettes risked their lives and their families to assure that women could vote in this country. We know that we cannot fully experience their pain but we can honor them by continuing to embrace the liberties that they fought for. This entire country is on fire and, in the name of those who fought for our freedoms, we can endeavor to fix it!

Be Kind, Advocate, and Clear the Way to Vote

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