Pillars of American Fascism

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We recently attended a small-town parade and were taken back to the days when people came together to celebrate this country. As the bands, dancers, politicians, horses, police cars, and fire trucks frolicked by, they were greeted with cries of thanks from the throngs of onlookers. Even the realtors were cheered on by onlookers! We cannot imagine what our world would be like if we did not have the right to free speech and the freedom to parade our views and look up to those whom we believe in.

What we do have lurking in this country worries and frightens us. It is sad and terrifying to admit this but fascism in many respects has arrived here by means of a Trump quick rise to power and his inevitable choice for the Presidential candidacy of what we now call the Republican Fascist Party (RFP). If Trump is elected, headlines of the liberal press may read on November 7, 2024, “We as a country are headed into nationalism, elitism, and militarism. Yesterday, a hierarchy was formed and this is the pillar of fascism. We are here folks and there is no looking back!”

If we do happen to look back, we will see in Trump a vindictive yearling “politician” who vowed to spout a reign of terror onto those who opposed and were not loyal to him. Full of empty promises to the discontented and devaluing of women and minorities, he aimed the country down the road to a dictatorial government. His only interest was a personal rise to supremacy and ultimate power. Chaos was to be his legacy.

Think about it. Can you imagine Trump as anything but a thug, a small-town mafia boss and a spoiled child who never grew up? A mean bully who had other kids do his dirty work and never got his hands dirty. Unable to relate to the everyday person, we believe he has never driven a car, shopped in a grocery store and, although he peddles violence, has never shot a gun but pleases himself by threatening to.

Yet, this movement is not about one person and it never has been. Trump has ridden in on a trojan horse through a legitimate right-wing party. And as the US face of authoritarianism and his quick rise to power, Trump has championed the pillars of fascism. His threat holds true as a one-party system, with unfair elections and, eventually, no elections at all. This single party dictator’s reign of terror, government, and economic control in the hands of the Republican Fascist Party (RFP), will parallel that of Hitler and Mussolini. Both tyrannical men claimed to support every man, advocated for the overthrow of the existing government, and persecution of political enemies. They were against individual rights, competitive elections, and political dissent. Mussolini himself stated in 1927, “War is to men what maternity is to a woman.” He decreased voting rights and counting of votes, banning abortion, and made contraceptive education illegal. His view of women was that their job was to provide babies for the patria and births were for the expansion of his empire and the military. The RFP falls short of this decree but is riding thinly close to it.

Trump is too much of a coward to admit that he is running as a fascist leader but his words say it all. He is too idiotic to fully understand the impact of the effect of his nationalist views, the terror of a single party rule, and economic control under a dictator on this country and around the world.

Yes, it is time to rise up, get angry, and use that fury to motivate this country towards Democracy. There are those who question whether we are on the verge of another Civil War. If you must ask, “are we there yet,” the answer is yes, we are!

In 2024 let’s act swiftly to Talk it Up, Work it Out and, as always, Stick Together and work to make Democracy contagious!

“The only way out of this crisis is to realize that if we do nothing, it will continue to mutate.”   

    This blog is dedicated to the children of this world who will inherit what their predecessors have left behind.   

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