Pardon Me!

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The Law is wrong.

Crime is right.

Up is down and

Down is up.

Is anyone else feeling the strangeness in the air these days? White collar crime is okay and Trump is pardoning anyone that looks or acts like him. He even recently admitted that he likes and enjoys the chaos. We are sure that there is a diagnosis for this kind of behavior like Narcissistic Personality Disorder with Sociopathic traits.

The Senate, in failing to do its job, has unleashed a monster of a President and has thrown this country into a hellish situation. Trump continues to stun America by implementing a novel rule of “do me a favor and you can do anything you want.” The lack of enforcement of the law by the Senate has also allowed DOJ’s Barr to continue to shield Trump. We grab at straws and ask if Barr can be disbarred or impeached? Is there any hope there? Many questions remain. All the while, Trump acts like a hungry, mean child playing President who is in need of a nap. Where will all this end up? Can we even begin to answer this question?

We know that it is hard to find peace during these strange times but we must. Comfort yourself by spending time with precious friends, take quiet time, or practice a tradition or a calming ritual. Encourage your friends to vote and don’t let the large field of candidates scare you.  November 3rd, 2020 will soon be here and it may be our only exit from Trump’s mayhem. Remember that our bodies are what we are but our souls are who we are. Be who you are. Let’s all move forward together.

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