Orange Jesus

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Many of Trump’s followers believe that Trump is the second coming of Christ and the “Holy Figure” anointed by God. We are starting to believe that he thinks he is Jesus. Isn’t this the “Orange Jesus” that recently told his non-supporters at Christmas “to rot in hell?” The reality is that Trump’s fake Christian nationalism’s only virtue is the use and abuse of religion.

If you have seen Trump’s ad on Truth Social, “God Made Trump,” you were probably sickened by it. And, if you have not seen it and want to understand how Hitler is being channeled through Trump, sit down and listen but do it before dinner so you don’t lose your cookies. The promo praises him as a smart, “hard-working man who gets up early, works late, and who delivered his own grandchild.” The truth is that former President Trump was the picture of political and personal debauchery who usually woke around 11am and ate cheeseburgers for the rest of the day if he was not playing golf in Florida. Remember the guy who threw ketchup on the wall like a two-year-old when he was upset because he did not get his way? That is their Trump!

Yes, God made Trump but the devil made him the person he is today. Not a shepherd but a self-indulgent wolf and an assassin of the truth. Not a hardworking man but a mean lazy ass, arrogant, privileged man. Yes, God gave us Trump and we wish he would take him back!

The Bible says that when Jesus comes again, “He will judge His people…he will judge the nations and will divide the righteous from the wicked.”  Well, we sure hope so! But what we are seeing in Trump is more like the cruel and oppressive biblical leader, Pontius Pilate, than a Jesus figure. Trump is no savior, and he practices no religion other than self-adornment. His greed and battle to power is based on pure evil. He is no Jesus for he is the devil and the slayer of decency and dignity who has experienced no real struggle in his own life, other than keeping his hair from looking like that of a rabid animal. He is pure repugnance and the ugly truth is that about 30% of this country adores him.

As global climate change and other struggles tragically reshape this world, Republicans block Biden on all fronts in addressing these issues. They offer no praise to the Biden Administration for their numerous accomplishments over the last three years. The Republicans persist on focusing on the threats of immigration, minorities, women, gays, liberal education, libraries, and books. As many of us try to save the world, the Trump supporting Republicans are trying to ruin and rule it. For this reason, we will again take a deep breath and continue to work for Democracy for we believe it needs saving. We think it is time for genuine Christians to get on their feet and take the lead with their fundamental message of “Love Thy Neighbor.”

If we had the talent, we would make the hideous “God Made Trump” promo into a sci-fi comedy so we all could enjoy some popcorn while laughing our asses off while watching it!

Liz Cheney reportedly recalls a scene in which a fellow House member, Mark Green of Tennessee, referred to then President Trump as “the Orange Jesus.” – CNNpolitics

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