On the Road

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We just returned from a retreat to the mountains of North Carolina. Escapes like these can be eye opening and enrich our lives. We  remember how easy it was years ago hopping into a car and taking off to the beach or mountains for a few days. Times, as they do, have changed. Bigger cars, more stuff to pack, busier roads, and a lot of people traveling everywhere. We found that highway driving today is a little crazy. Anyone that has taken a road trip lately returns with stories of near misses or just plain rude or risky drivers. Motorcycles passing us on mountain hairpin turns was like being in a circus where at points you hold your breath and hope for the best.

Along the highways and byways, despite their declining numbers, clearly organized religion is big business in the south. And by the looks of the number of churches we saw, the Baptist are winning! We cannot help thinking that if these churchgoers truly, and without prejudice, ministered to the poor and less fortunate, this country would be in a better place. As you drive along you cannot miss the large highway billboards proclaiming that “Jesus Saves.” Bible quotes layered right next to big advertisements for accident lawyers, baby alligators, pole dancers, and fresh beef at Wendy’s is enough to distract one’s driving.

We have amassed many memories from this summer’s road trip. We learned that white squirrels get more attention than grey squirrels. Visit Brevard, NC and you will understand why. There is still, in some parts of the country, a search for Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot or Yeti. Truth or fiction, it makes for great folklore and t-shirts.          

We were reminded that nature is the cure, cool mountain air is good for the soul, and friends are good for the heart. We really enjoyed the small town coffee shops. The local independent coffee houses seem to be the heart of a community. In the US, coffeehouses in the 1950’s attracted beatniks and in the 60’s the folk music scene. Today, they continue to be centers for social interaction, business, and a place to congregate, and organize. What nice people we met there!

When our time in the mountains wound down, we hit the road and followed WAZE to home. More billboards, a ton of churches, and road signs for food, drink, sin, and redemption tried to draw us in like the Sirens of Greek mythology.

There were the bad drivers and those kinder ones that shared a wave or a nod as a thank you. The God Bless America, Let’s Go Brandon, and FB bumper stickers brought us back to reality as we drew close to Florida. The mountain air was replaced with heat and humidity and the “cook an egg on your sidewalk” temperatures.

As we look back at our travels, we smile as we reminisce about the memories that brought us pleasure and relief from the ins and outs of everyday life. As we look back and gaze forward, we have to say that we appreciated the experience and creating new memories. After a tedious drive we were happy to safely pull into our driveway and, as we opened our front door, we were reminded that there is no place like home!

May the January 6th Hearings put a nail in Trump’s political coffin. Thank you to the January 6th Committee for their courage and persistence in finding and sharing the truth. It may be time for a billboard lauding their names and for them to finally take a vacation!

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