Not Just a Pink Show

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We wouldn’t want much time to go by without reflecting on the Barbie movie. Yes, the Barbie movie! We must admit, at first we were Barbie snobs. Looking back, Maggie never owned a Barbie doll and Andrea tried to dress like one but preferred her Roy Rodgers ranch. That being said, for some time we were not interested in seeing the Barbie movie. But at last, we got the bug to go after the initial hordes of viewers dressed in pink quieted down.

As we arrived at the theater, a group of middle-aged women, all dressed in pink, were exiting. All were smiling and giggling like schoolgirls sporting that Barbie glow. With no expectations and Andrea dressed in a pink blouse, we gathered our gallon of popcorn and a root beer and headed in to get good seats.

At first the movie seemed odd, half real and half cartoonish. In the first few minutes we were not quite sure where the movie was going nor where the caricatures were headed. We hung in there, and to our surprise, we were amazed as the storyline unfolded. Yes, despite what we anticipated from a “doll” movie, this movie had a plot. Not only did the Barbie movie speak to levels of self-discovery and self-worth but it examined the purpose of life itself.

We wouldn’t want to leave Ken out of this equation for, if you saw the movie, you might say he stole the show. His six pack abs are gorgeous and his blonde hair matches all that of the doll. But those superficial characteristics are not what is striking about Ken. Beneath his surface of plaster and paint, there is a being struggling as he learns the pitfalls of power and indulgence.

We did not know what to expect from the Barbie movie but it took us to the moon and back. Not surprisingly, the Barbies and Kens in the movie pretty much come in one shape but, also to our delight, included various races and cultures. It was a pleasant surprise to see that the movie was not your all white Mayberry show as we had anticipated. The movie is not perfect but its attempt to be inclusive cannot go without notice.

If you fear being called childish or have nothing pink to wear, please go beyond your fears and take the time to see this movie. There is a reason it is raking in millions of dollars. Gay men love it, girlie girls love it, girls that love girls love it, and we bet you will love it too.

There are only a few movies that we would see for a second time, but this may be one of them. Who would have thought…..Barbie!

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