No Time to Waste

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For some time, we have been curious about the possibility of the Earth’s magnetic poles flipping. As mentioned in last week’s blog, many facets of our lives depend on the Earth’s magnetic field which is anchored by the North and South poles. The science nerd in us is wondering if we are overdue for this event since the last magnetic flip was some 780,000 years ago during the Stone Age. A flip in the poles would disrupt animal species, human technology, cause power outages, and interrupt radio communications. Some think that this would cause a global cataclysmic event as the Earth’s magnetic poles reverse. A number of scientists suggests that data indicates that we may be in the early stages of pole reversal right now. Luckily for us, this shift can take 1000 years.

We do ask ourselves if there is something leading to the obvious societal shift that we are currently experiencing, at least in our part of the world. Ethical and moral poles seem to be shifting right in front of our eyes. Right is now wrong as with Liz Cheney who was ousted for speaking and protecting the truth. Wrong is right as with the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol and are now being praised by the Republican Party.

When we wonder where this societal shift began, we must go back to the Tea Party conservative movement in 2009. Their initial crusade and protests became about lowering taxes, reducing the national debt, and decreasing government spending. As the ultra-conservative Tea Party infected the Republican Party, they moved against the Obama Administration and supported political candidates of their proclivity. David and Charles Koch influenced and donated huge amounts of money to this movement which fed the beast and propelled it along.  Keeping it rolling were activists like Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, Ryan Hecker, and Rick Santelli. Then enter Fox News and Trump! Trump, an off the rails politician, fueled the anti-establishment movement and riled up those who were deeply dissatisfied with the government. It seems that this happened overnight but it did not. The Tea Party began to associate with the Republican Party and, like a magnetic shift of the earth, these principle changes evolved over time. This beastly movement has been growing over the years by pushing candidates, winning elections, and stacking the courts.

The problem now is that few took notice of this horrid conservative shift as it crept along the way. As it did, gaslighting and lying to win was becoming the norm. Who would have thought that this effort would produce followers with no morals, ethics, nor the ability to differentiate between right and wrong? Who would have predicted that the Insurrection would have been given the whitewashing it has by Republicans? And, that a Republican member of Congress would exclaim that the people there on January 6th who stormed the Capitol were merely tourists who walked calmly between the stanchions and never invaded the House chambers. How much greed or insanity does it take  to produce such a lie?

The fact is that the devil has swallowed the Republican Party, like in the vintage Pac-Man video game. The question remains how do we destroy this demonic movement? Many are hoping that it has a shelf life and that it will burn out or go away at some point. We continue to ask ourselves what does it take to make such a shift in our society? What will it take for good to triumph over evil?

We have learned that you cannot reason with evil. You must be meaner than evil to win against it. Or, maybe in this case, just smarter. We do not have all the answers but we do have some good questions. This may be a good place to begin.

At All

We don’t always come away with the answers

But with some good questions we can gain

We build the courage to ask about things unthinkable

And ask what to move, to let go of, or to change,

We follow our moral compass

And chart the untraveled seas

New rules, old rules, we stay afloat

Sometimes paddling with our knees,

We touch, we look as we listen

We see, we sense a possible fall

Understanding that underneath it

There is no time to waste at all.

Be Kind, Be Smart, & Keep Asking the Questions

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