Need More Reason to Vote?

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It is found in psychiatry, particularly with adolescents, that there are those who feel that the rules do not apply to them. Trump is no different. As Bob Woodward puts it, “Trump’s lying has helped to create his own reality. So, basically he believes that he is right.”  We think on some level, one might say, that this indicates a lack of conscience. This would be fascinating if not so dangerous. 

We find ourselves 45 days from the election and struggling with this reality. It is a strategy of our current government who deems that lying is good and that controversy elevates the message. The reality is that our world, at the moment, is faced with the worst West Coast fires in its history, hurricanes that are producing historic catastrophic flooding along the Gulf Coast, and glaciers that are melting at a rapid rate which will result in an imminent sea rise. Recently, thousands of migratory birds have been found out West falling from the sky without explanation as to their cause of death. This happening has been called a national tragedy.  No lie, Mr. Impeached President, we are not experiencing just a climate change but now a climate crisis! Ask those whose homes have been burned and flooded and add this to our existing and staggering Covid health crisis. Ask those who have lost loved ones or who have contracted the virus and now have lasting physical and psychological effects. These are not lies but are the facts.

Amongst this backdrop, we continue to be confronted by those who deny the facts and, even as of this week while getting haircuts, we were subjected to hearing, “It’s not that bad, the media lies about the numbers.”  All of this as we approach a death toll of 200,000 and a sadistic Administration built on lies and who believes that they can win by turning against science and denying the implications of climate change.  

Trump rallied his Fox and Friends clique this week when he compared his actions to those of Churchill during WW2. Trump, you are no Churchill and, unlike Churchill, you shamefully lied and people have died. You continue to deny science and smirk as homes burn and people lose their possessions, livelihoods, and lives while you smile and say, “It will get cooler. I don’t think science knows.”  Regarding Covid, Trump has stated on tape that “This thing is a killer.” And, while speaking out of the other side of his mouth, Trump again holds unmasked, super-spreader rallies while defying state issued health guidelines. Like in a grade B horror movie, his hangers-on string along blindly following their cult leader, fists extended.  Roger Stone has called for Marshall Law if Trump loses. HHS Michael Caputo, who in the 1990’s, lived in Moscow and worked for Boris Yeltsen, warned Trump followers to man up, ready their guns, and buy ammo before it runs out. He exclaimed, ‘Prepare for an armed insurrection,” while accusing scientists of “Sedition.” Can this Administration get any sicker? The answer is yes and it can as proven to us day after day.

Those of us, who understand that the job of a President is to protect its people, march on. We remain hopeful as we look to incoming leaders who will help us return to a civil society. While we wait for the election, let’s focus on the potential work of new leaders and that of a brighter future for this country. The efforts by the Democrats to outsmart this current Administration are already in play. Legal teams are lined up, get-out-the-vote is working 24/7, and volunteers are working en masse throughout the country.   

And for those who continue to worry and might be looking for somewhere else to go just in case, we offer you the hope that scientists have found that there is possible life on Venus. Don’t you just love science? Just in time!

In other bright and hopeful news, Jill Biden’s long, black VOTE boots are an immense hit as she broadcasts the message wherever she goes.  Kamala Harris, on the other hand, is sporting her “Chucks” as she flies from one location to another with her endless – we got this – attitude.  The ladies are on the move as are the Dem gents and, with 45 days to go, so are we.

Very Important Information about Voting:

  • If you can, vote in person if you feel that it is safe. If not, vote by mail or drop off your ballot in a ballot box during early voting. Many states will have drive-thru locations, although the Republicans are trying to outlaw them.
  • If you change your mind and decide to vote in person, you must take your vote by mail ballot and envelope with you. The Poll Worker will want to see this as evidence that you have not already voted by mail.
  • If you vote by mail or during early voting, make sure your signature on the envelope matches your earlier signatures. If it is has changed (for any reason, such as mobility issues), you must fill out a new Voter Registration Application or go to your Supervisor of Elections and update your signature. If it has changed and it is not a match, your vote could be tossed out!
  • In some states, an envelope that is sealed with tape will not be counted. Be sure to seal your envelope fully and properly.

This blog is dedicated to Esther McCready, the first black Nursing Student at the University of Maryland in 1950. While in school, she fought racial bias, hostility and prejudice. She was refused a dorm room, was criticized by fellow white students, and had instructors and professors who ignored her or turned their backs on her while teaching. She did not give up and maintained a quiet dignity throughout her experience and was noted as not being bitter. She stated that, “Bitterness destroys you.”  Nurse McCready was a true leader and trailblazer in desegregation. It is with these examples that we learn the meaning of determination and courage. Another real hero – no lie.  Esther McCready, RN 1931-2020

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”                                                                                -Winston Churchill

I think we can all learn from Esther and Churchill.

Be Kind and Keep “Chucking” On!

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