Navigating a Troubled World

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Sometimes it is hard to know what to write about. Mass shootings fill our hearts with pain. There are no words for the grief and trauma we all share. The struggle with the economy, the question of how to protect the children and the world in general can leave us speechless.

The Supreme Court, once a respected institution, is now the enemy of gun control, clean air, women’s rights, and the right to live free without prejudice. This country is certainly on an interesting path.

Following the recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion, we wanted to convey to women that they still have choices and that thinking and planning ahead of time is still the greatest form of birth control. No court can take that away from women. Especially at this time, it is important to give no ground to those who want to keep women down.

Unfortunately, it is evident that this nation is divided against itself. It is a marriage gone sour in need of intensive mediation. We ask ourselves, how do we endure the pain in the interim as history continues to repeat itself? Can we hold on to the belief that time heals all? We ask how much time it will take.

The answer may be to look to those who suffered the pain in years gone by and made the world a better place despite it. Look to those like Eleanor Roosevelt who once said, “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”  It may be time to do that “thing” that we think we cannot do.

The world in general needs more optimists like yourselves, more friendships, and more kindness. Along these lines, we believe our summer job becomes quite clear. Like back in our kindergarten days, it’s – make friends, be polite, share, do not make a mess, and play fair.

And, as you dive into this summer, remember the words of Robert Fulghum, “No matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.”

Happy Summer, Friends!

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