Moving On

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It may be interesting to see going forward how Trump and DeSantis work out their political affair. Will they marry and have to determine who will be on top? Or will they knock each other off the “king of the hill” position? Or will one eliminate the other and as a result the other splits off and forms a new Party?

The next two years should be quite a show, a nail bitter, an edge of your seat thriller. We ask, will Joe Biden run again? We may have that answer in January ‘23. How would you advise him if you were Jill? We are sure that the betting community is on fire with this one.

But for now, there was a more important moment this week as we learned that Nancy Pelosi would not run for House Speaker in the next term. This week she let the world know that she is stepping down. How could anyone not praise this resilient woman for her years of service to this Country and to the planet! Her comment that she enjoyed working with three Presidents (minus a 4th) was perfect. We will not listen to anyone who believes that this is a win for the Red Party. From job creation, affordable health care, HIV/AIDS treatment, and so much more, the strong and enduring Nancy Pelosi has been a Superstar for the cause. The list of her accomplishments could fill many blogs.

Through thick and thin, Nancy Pelosi has worn a hard-hat, demonstrated a soft and strong heart, and always exhibited an eager “we can do this” attitude. Fervent in her leadership, she has even gotten into good trouble, such as when she tore up Trump’s State of the Union address. Go Nancy!

Like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Pelosi’s energy will remain as younger and greener women take her position. In the words of another formidable woman, Eleanor Roosevelt, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.” Let us celebrate the many gifts Nancy Pelosi and women like her have given us and move on with them on our shoulders as unforgettable inspirations.

The world will go on, politics will pan out as it will. Facing the future, this country will move forward and embrace either bipartisanship or gridlock.

Let us utilize the model laid out by Nancy Pelosi and keep working as she would want us to do for a better and more just America. Keep our heads up, our eyes straight, and refrain from anger. For it is those who are weak of character who must resort to anger.

“Anger is one letter short of Danger.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

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