Mama Says…

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After writing this week’s blog, we read it over as we always do multiple times and decided to tear it up. It read like a history lesson about a racist Trump and how he resembles the racist George Wallace. The only difference between the two of them seems to be that Wallace was a Democrat! The blog detailed the White House directive of use of force by unidentified Federal storm troopers who denied peaceful protestors their First Amendment rights. And how, if arrested, they had to sign their First Amendment rights away by stating that they would never protest again. We wrote that several news media, photographers, and peaceful protestors have been maimed or killed by blunt force with plum-sized, metal filled “rubber bullets” traveling at high speeds and shot from grenade launchers by these Federal mercenaries. It was also clear that disruptive groups, especially white supremacists, joined the peaceful protests to obstruct the social justice movement.

Trump has continued his gaslighting of the public to try and make us think that cities are worse off than they really are. And now, Trump ordered militia have been sent to Democratic run cities to harass, injure, and arrest protesters including mothers, veterans, and nurses standing up against violence. To the impeached President Trump, this probably all seems like a boardwalk carnival game and, per his plan, it creates an intentional distraction from the COVID health and economic crisis that we all face. As this chaos ignites, in the US alone, COVID is taking one precious life every minute. The U.S. suffers 25% of the COVID deaths in the world when we are only 4.25% of the world’s population. Due to fear of COVID, Trump abruptly cancelled the Republican Convention in Jacksonville but insists that schools in Florida open despite that the numbers show that COVID hospitalizations in children in Florida have increased this week by 34%. While teachers and school employees write their wills and more health care workers die, Trump practices his golf game, distracts from the real issues, and the Republicans watch as our country burns. The vandalism following George Floyd’s death is nothing compared to the current inferno and defacement of our Constitution by these weak and pathetic Republicans and their appointees. As we approach the three month mark until the election, the idea of universal suffrage continues to struggle under this Administration as polling sites shrink and voter registration is once again made more difficult. Just this week, Trump laid the groundwork for delaying the election. Not going to happen!

“Dirty Don’s” creation of distractions and a second civil war in our United States is an illustration of his trickery. He stands as the epitome of the serial arsonist who is also the Fire Chief. Trump lights the political fires so he can attempt to look good putting them out. For example, in a show of his lack of character and jealousy of Dr. Anthony Fauci, he lied this week about being asked to throw the first pitch at a major league baseball opener and then refused to throw the first pitch even though he was never asked to do so. How juvenile!  More importantly is Trump’s refusal to attend the funeral or go to the Capitol Rotunda to show homage to John Lewis, stating merely, “No, I am not going.” What a disgrace!

Going forward in this blog, we are going to focus more on the positive. By this time, we are all quite aware of the shortcomings of this President, his Congress, his appointees, his jailbirds, and his followers. We know that he wants to militarize the police and start wars at home and abroad so he can put his name on them as a show of desperate strength. We grasp that we have a narcissistic sociopath at the helm who looks and sounds a lot like Alfred Hitchcock. He worships dictators, clearly must owe something big to Putin, and is likely a Russian operative. We know that he himself is the phony and the hoax. We recognize that we have a partisan head in the Justice Department who has apparently lied under oath. We can see that we have questionable Trump TV doctors providing us with erroneous COVID medical information. We have learned that these “doctors” are backed by Tea Party separatists, push Trump’s drugs, are mask deniers, believe in alien DNA, demon semen, and astral sex.  We wonder what size condom you need to have sex with a demon? Maybe this phenomenon explains the birth of the current Republican Party!  Are they really aliens? Even better…does anyone remember Miss Cleo, a pay-per-call psychic who was born in LA and spoke with a fake Jamaican accent? She made tons of money over six years only to be busted for deception and fraud. It seems that this “doctor” group in their fake white lab coats may be taking their cues directly from the Miss Cleo playbook.

Finally, the truth about Trump is that he cannot win without cheating and all he cares about is his electoral survival. We have 94 days to the election so let us continue to sow some seeds of real optimism. The seeds that we plant today will grow for years to come. We must be determined, courageous, and keep up our spirits for everyone you motivate will motivate another. And on and on…

We have heard enough negative to the extent that sometimes it is hard to believe and makes us question whether or not we will ever reach the bottom. Since we may all be suffering from news fatigue these days, 2Gals is going to make every effort to focus more on the positive. It may be the glue that holds us all together in the upcoming months. We have all heard the saying that Mama says, “if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.”  Well, we guess we won’t be writing much about Trump anymore but we will highlight the efforts of Joe Biden and his team. Next week will be an exciting one as he announces his running mate. More to come on that selection! That said, we wish the only problem we had these days is whether or not the baseball season may have to be cancelled. Go Joe!

Be Determined, Lift your Spirits, Share the Vision & Vote

94 days to go…

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