Just a Theory

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Sometimes we get tired of writing about negative stuff. Lord knows there is enough negative material out there right now but there are also good things happening as well. The Bans Off Our Bodies march is an example of one. Last week, we joined a few hundred women and men in Sarasota to march for a woman’s right to choose as many did across this country. Imagine in America having to fight for the right to choose. On so many levels, this has become our reality!

Throughout our lives, there are times when we elect to take a position. We form opinions and we choose sides whether it is for a sports team, a cause, or a political figure or theory. As humans, we generally do not sit in the middle. But, we do believe that what we all have in common is the desire to be free, make our own decisions, have a home, build family and friendships, and die in peace. The world though has become a little complicated for achieving those goals. This is more than likely due to competition, greed, and overall discontent. In other words, we Americans are spoiled. Maggie has always said that it might take an alien invasion to demonstrate to humans what we all have in common. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that!

To better understand our fellow humans, it might be best to start by looking at what we all have in common. This is an arduous task and meeting halfway is sometimes a challenge. These days, we are deep into a hole of division and it will take some climbing to get out. Hate is hard to stamp out and peace is so vulnerable because it is easy prey for hatred and anger. The current sense of human entitlement and greediness have led to the need for excessive wants and the need for more material things.  We theorize, unfortunately but true, that material wealth seems to be replacing functional human relationships. We do wonder if humans would be better off if we actually had less rather than more.

We are the most intelligent animals on the planet but there is no simple solution to the desire for polarization and excess. In a positive light, we are convinced that the current chaos will result in people coming together, making positive political choices, and bonding with others. We still believe that love and kindness is the answer and that we must surround ourselves with loving people as we tear down the walls of hate.

As we watched the eclipse of the moon the other night, we realized  how small this human race really is. It made us wonder what really matters while we question if we are living in a world gone mad or one that is pure genius. It is not an easy task to determine what we as humans may have in common but we can hold on to hope as we try.

Robert Frost once wrote, “Good fences make good neighbors.” The thought behind this writing is that people get along better if they establish and maintain boundaries. Fences can offer a certain sense of safety and because of this, hopefully, respect and understanding can ensue. Although Frost’s theory may not be the answer, it may be a start for it is important to know when to build a fence and when to tear one down.

This blog is dedicated to those who have lost their lives to gun violence in this country. You deserved better.

More love, More peace, Less violence         

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