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She was the only woman out of 500 students at Harvard Law and the second woman on the Supreme Court bench. Her husband said that she could not cook. But boy, what she could do!

It is said in the Jewish tradition that a person who dies on the first night of Rosh Hashanah, is a person of great righteousness. We believe that we all felt this on Saturday evening when we heard the news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death. Like the shooting of JFK or 9-11, we will remember where we were when we heard the horrible news. It was like being in a lighted room and then suddenly all the lights go off and you find yourself in the dark. Sitting in this darkness, we struggled to get our bearings and had to determine how to navigate beyond it. We knew this day would come but not now, not so soon, and please not ever, we thought. We have lost so many this year that we are beginning to believe the saying that only the good die young or in their best years. 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, known fondly as RBG, knew tragedy having lost her mother and sister at a young age. She grew up during the depression. She grew up selfless and full of courage. It was said that she was “the perfect employee” who never missed a day in court. She fought for the hidden people, for race and gender, and everything in between. She gave honor to the word NOTORIOUS. Her image is posted on lamp posts in DC, on T-shirts, mugs, and the like. People have affectionately named their dogs after her and good friends even gave us a toaster that puts her image on bread when you toast it.

RBG gave us many gifts and now we must repay her by giving back and not giving up. She must continue to live inside all of us. As we face the future of this country and the world, we must remember her face in front of us, reminding us to have determination, and to be courageous. We will need this in the future. She has started the work and we are challenged to continue it. Going forward let us think of her and not the impeached President and the rest of them. And, as for “Grave Digger” Mitch, we say move over! If you and the Senate do not respect RBG’s dying words and push to replace her seat before the election, we will take you on!

The Democrats will:

-Take the Senate in November

-Nix the Filibuster

-Increase the number of Supreme Court seats

-Fight for DC Statehood

-And do our best to impeach, “I like beer,” Kavanagh

So join the fight…

We know who we are and we will not forget who she was and what she stood and fought for! Rest in peace RBG, you will always be with us and you will always be our hero.

“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

RBG 1933-2020

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