It’s All About the Vaccine

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You cannot walk down the street in our neighborhood and not meet someone who is either asking us if we have had the vaccine or reporting that they have had it or complaining about the horrible system for distributing it.

We know that several of our readers have reported that they have gotten their C-19 vaccine and this is terrific news. Despite efforts to address the vaccine rollout, the process has thus far been complicated in some areas. Complicated by governors who are making unhealthy decisions for their residents. In Florida, Gov. DeSantis had encouraged tourists to come for vac vacations, otherwise known as “vaccine tourism,” and receive their vaccines while in Florida. People came from out of state and out of the country for this offer while Florida Seniors waited in long lines overnight outside of vaccine centers. Many were turned away in the morning due to vaccine shortages. Additionally, rich political contributors were easily provided the vaccine. We have learned that the Publix grocery store heiress contributed $100,000 to the Gov. DeSantis campaign. She also donated $300,000 to help fund the January 6th Trump rally at the White House. And that the Florida based Publix grocery store chain received the contract to distribute the C-19 vaccine – mostly in the West Palm Beach area. Also, vaccine is being distributed at “pop-up” sights based on wealthy zip codes. Jeez, there are skunks in Florida!  

We await the approval of other vaccines, including those from Johnson & Johnson and Astra Zeneca. That should happen soon. One might say things are looking up. But, on the other side of the door, we have new strains of mutated C-19 coming our way from the UK, Brazil, and South Africa. As medical experts and our friends in the field  have reminded us, this is not a time to panic.  But, it is also not a time to let our guard down even if you have received the vaccine. Science is now being allowed to speak the truth so let’s listen. So far, masks, safe distancing, hand hygiene, and avoiding crowded, indoor spaces remain the guidance.

For all our safety, the experts recommend a good quality, tight fitting mask that is either 3 or 4 ply construction. The latest CDC  recommendation is double masking with a surgical mask covered by a tight-fitting high thread count cloth mask. Whether your mask is made of cotton, poly plastic, or paper, make sure that it fits tightly around your nose, mouth, and face. If you wear glasses and they steam up when you wear your mask, it is probably not tight enough around your nose.

Most importantly –

Right mask, right fit. Your mask should fit like a pair of underwear!

Mask Up and Be Patient

Thanks to our wonderful friends and readers who provide us with their insights on today’s topics. What would we do without you! 

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