In Thanksgiving

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This seems to be a good time of year to think about traditions. In times like these, it may be helpful to recall some teachings that we learned way back in grade school. The Corporal Works of Mercy is one of those ideologies. As you may have learned, it is a list of directives that have guided people over time towards kindness. The Corporal Works of Mercy remind us to Feed the Hungry, Shelter the Homeless, Clothe the Naked, Visit the Sick and Imprisoned, Bury the Dead and Give Alms to the Poor.

During Covid times, these acts may become more challenging. Many are struggling this year with not being able to see their families and will have to replace real time with Facetime and Zoom. Despite our losses, it may still be a time of thanksgiving. As we struggle with the daily challenge of Covid and political turmoil, we may want to step out of ourselves and return to the basic principles of humanity. And we may ask our leaders to do the same.

The Spiritual Works of Mercy is also geared towards attributes of kindness and leadership. It suggests to us that we Instruct, Advise, Console, Comfort, Forgive, and Bear Wrongs Patiently. No matter what your belief system is, both Works of Mercy represent one of the original “Be Kind “ teachings.

As temperatures cool and our lives move along, take care of your body and your soul. Get some rest and sleep so you can wake in the morning feeling whole. Let’s put the malarkey behind us and remain optimistic while moving forward. Especially now, we could all benefit from some kindness and thanksgiving.

Be Kind & Be Thankful

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