In Sorrow

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We put all of our other writing aside to express our sorrow today for the people of Israel. We can’t say it loudly enough that we ardently support the Jewish people.

Today, we received an alert from a friend who served in the Israeli Army who asked us to share this with our Jewish friends. The warning is:

     Friends and Family Outside of Israel

One of the Hamas Leaders, Khaled Meshal, appealed to all

Muslims of the world to “arrange a real Pogrom for the Jews.”

The date of the “worldwide Jewish Pogrom”

  has been announced – Friday, October 13.

               BE SMART, BE VIGILANT, BE SAFE.

We read this in horror and immediately did send this to our Jewish friends as a warning. For those not familiar with the severity of a Pogrom, it is a Russian word designating an attack on Jewish people. It is a horrific event accompanied by destruction, looting, murder, and rape. The word itself and the call for Pogrom are used to describe specific attacks accompanied by looting and bloodshed against the Jews. And, as Hamas has shown us in the past few days, it means inhumane and gruesome activities toward fellow human beings.

It is hard to imagine such hatred and such violence within those who lack any conscience and who perform such acts. It goes beyond any words that we can find to express our abhorrence towards the acts of Hamas in this struggle.

What makes man so desperate to survive, to need to have it all—land, and power? How do they live with no conscience and an entitled sense of gluttony? If this is not madness, we are not sure what else it could be. Some of us would ask, is this hell on earth as others may think it is? And from this vantage point, it certainly looks like it. In the area of the world where it is said that civilization may have begun, we wonder if that is where it will end.  

As always, we ask that we all stick together and support those peaceful people who are under attack merely for their religious beliefs and for their cultural heritage. We promise to stand with you and by you and we ask others to do the same. And, for all times, we stand together. 

This blog is dedicated to those who believe in peace, fight for it, and die for it.

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