How To Vote – No Joke

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Your Vote Counts

As of today: Trump = 1323 days in office *** 59 days until the election

Trump has encouraged voters in North Carolina to commit a felony by voting twice for him – by mail and by walk in. What a desperate man will do.

Thousands of votes were tossed out in this year’s Primary Election because of “User Error.” You do not want your vote to be one of those eliminated in the November election. At the end of September, the ballots for overseas and vote by mail will be coming to your door. We have some reminders for you for vote by mail, drive through, drop off, and early voting.

1 –  Make sure that you sign the back of the envelope if you vote by mail or drop off your ballot. If you do not or if it is illegible, your vote will automatically be thrown out. They will not call you to correct it!

2 – Before mailing in your ballot, take a photo of it for your records.

3 – If you are mailing in your ballot, be sure and make the deadline by mailing it very early, especially this year. States have different requirements regarding how much postage to use. Check your State’s regulations because some States require no postage while others require 1-2 stamps.

4 – If you are concerned about the reliability of the Postal Service,  drop your ballot off at your precinct during the early voting period. In most states, there will be inside, outside, and drive-thru ballot boxes.

5 – After you vote by mail or drop off your ballot, check with your County Supervisor of Elections (SOE) online voter information portal to ensure that your envelope was registered. If your signature was not accepted or if there were any other problems, an error message should display. If your ballot was accepted, it will indicate so. However, it will not indicate how you voted. So, the bottom line is, if you are voting by mail or dropping it off, check to make sure that your vote was received and be assured that your vote was validated and counted.

6 – And, yes, it is legal in many States to take a ballot to the box for your neighbor, friend, or family if you are not being paid to do so. If concerned about the voting precinct, take a note, signed and dated from that person stating that they requested you to deposit the ballot for them. If you have a problem with this endeavor, speak to a Poll Watcher inside of the polling station or a Poll Observer outside of the building.

7 – We only have 59 days left until the General Election and things are heating up. This timeframe begins the rush period and it is our chance to make this all work. Keep talking up the need to vote, get excited, and think positively. Plan a safe-distance get together (masks included) to watch the returns on election night. It is going to be a long one! We may not know who has won by the end of the night, but we may have an idea who has lost.

Calendar of Presidential and VP Debates:

Vice Presidential:     October 7th             Salt Lake City                

Presidential:            September 29th       Cleveland 

                                October 15th                Miami

                                October 22nd           Nashville

Go to NBC’s Plan Your Vote for additional voting information.

Yep, Trump 2020 —- 20 for Corruption/20 for Treason

This blog is dedicated to those who vote, have tried to vote, lost their lives voting, or lost their lives fighting for voter rights. This is the one thing that we all can do from our easy chairs!

Be Kind & Be Counted

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nancy

    Nice to have all of this information simply written in easy to follow directions and all collected in one place. Thanks, ladies!

    1. 2gals4peace

      Thanks so much, Nancy, for being part of our blog family and for your feedback on this post. We will keep our posts coming and please keep your comments coming as well. It is always a work in progress. We thrive on feedback!

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