How Do We Rise Up?

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At this juncture, we must ask ourselves who are we. Who are we in a world that has been forever changed by Covid and the Trump regime? On one hand, Covid has changed the world and we are challenged as a race to adapt. This is more than likely only the first in a series of vast challenges to our human race and the earth’s environment. Secondly, we can see that we are living within a Trumpian political world whose sole purpose is to get re-elected. Trump remains a puppet for the selfish causes and clearly remains on Putin’s payroll. Following the Russian playbook, it has now become standard practice for our current government to withhold critical information like known interference in our elections.

We are faced with huge ethical dilemmas as we enter this election period. With only 45 days to go, Republican politicians remain void of conscience. The Trump Party has determined that lying is ok and, if they do not like or are losing the game, they will just change the rules. The Supreme Court, being the most deceitful example of this, is only one of many. The blueprint for this strategy seems to be that of the Mafia and fully lacks any conscience or one’s inner guide to what is right or wrong. The human conscience is the steering wheel for our principles and values and is the foundation of a decent human being. Without it, we can be human but cannot be humane for it is linked to our critical thinking and all decisions that we make.  

Today, we find ourselves faced with the largest ethical and political issues since 1783 when we fought the Revolutionary War. It is well known that this country was founded on civil disobedience. The American Revolution and the Civil War were both examples of this and were pivotal events for this country. We have since been through the Great Depression, 1918 Pandemic, WWI, WW2, Korea, the Vietnam War, Cuban Missile Crisis, 9-11, and the several wars that have followed. We have faced the War on Poverty, Welfare Reform, the fight for Women’s Rights, LGBT, ERA, AIDS, and now the Trump era catastrophe. Are we in another revolutionary battle at this time since we find ourselves again fighting an ideological and political war?

As we examine the basis of this current conflict, we look at the ethical holdings of those Trump era politicians now in charge of our America. We question their moral stability and practices. Being that all ethical problems are measured by how we look at our values, duties, and interests, what are this Administration’s values, to whom do their duties lie, and to what interest? The answer always flows back to the Trump Party and his factions who remain devoted to one man with no values and with an interest only in himself.

We can see what is at stake here and it is frightening. The passing of our dear leaders and teachers and the loss of life as it was before Covid and Trump are tremendous. As we navigate through this sort of hell, let us work together to fill the pain with hope and the loss with gains. Each day let us not only listen to the news but try to make some news ourselves.  

We remember years ago when we would go white water rafting. As we approached the white-capped rapids, we would hold on for dear life. Well, this is our rapids, folks, and it is and has been a hell of a ride. It is time to hold on tight as we navigate the rough waters of this election.  It will take a lot to ride out the turbulence that this Administration has created, but in the words of Churchill, “If you are going through hell, keep going.” As with rafting, keep looking forward and hope for smooth water and not a waterfall.

We can do this so hold on tight folks!

This blog is dedicated to those whom we have lost and those who persist in righting the struggles of today. We need you and we will remain in the fight with you.

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