How Dare They

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The assault continued as members of the Republican Party sat for hours taking swipes at the Democrat’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Why is it that, especially, women of color must work ten times harder for a position that they are ten times more qualified for?

The Republican Party is proving in this process to be the dregs of the earth. It is already the party of Trump, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Gaetz, all of whom have been accused of wrong doings with women. And now the party dares to take swipes at the more than capable Ketanji Brown Jackson. Not since the questioning of Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford, have we seen such a disgusting display of assaulting women of this caliber. The Republican Party can seek to deny and whitewash the plight of Black people in this country but all you have to do is watch this confirmation hearing to prove that the assault on women of color is alive and well within the Republican Party.  

Fearful of losing their foothold, the guilty Republican members hug their bibles, burn children’s books, threaten interracial marriage, and spout the fire of the devil. And as they do, confident women of color sit without breaking a sweat, answering hours of questions, speaking the truth, and making us proud.

Ketanji Brown Jackson has earned every moment of our respect. Republicans have not.

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