Honor the Earth

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We saw a placard on a truck today that read “Trump/DeSantis 2024  Make America Florida.” OMG, you can only imagine our reaction!

This is just as we were all ready to write about the benefits of communing with Mother Nature. Well, we are going to look away for the moment and write about nature anyway. Mother Nature is usually gentle and kind but she has been acting up lately. Extreme heat, fires, and floods. Sounds almost biblical. As some men and women seek ways to get off this earth, others look for ways to stay here and survive.

Greta Thunberg, the 18-year-old Swedish environmental activist, worries that, “As it is now, nothing is changing. The only thing that’s changing is the climate.” With rain in Greenland, fires in Greece and Turkey, deadly flooding in China and Germany, and heat baking the US, Thunberg said people’s awareness of climate change was increasing but “very slowly.” To note – the month of July 2021 was Earth’s hottest on record.

Mother Nature is called Mother because her earth has historically taken care of us, fed us, watered us, given us beautiful snow falls, and sunrises and sunsets to remember. It has given us fresh air and a place to be quiet while listening to it. The birds, the deer, the smell of flowers, the pollen (sometimes she goes overboard), the beaches and mountains, and everything in between. Mother Earth is usually caring and affectionate but Mother seems angry right now. We, her children, have been bad. We have robbed and beaten up this earth without regard to its needs and sensitivities. We have not replaced what we have taken nor shown remorse for our takings. So, what’s a mother to do? What are we to do? How about that we all make a collective thank you to Mother Nature and find some small act of goodwill that we can do.  Pick up trash or plant a tree and vote local for those who care for our earth. As with any mother, she has grown tired and maybe it is time to take care of her.

  “You must take action. You must do the impossible.

Because giving up is never an option.”   – Greta Thunberg

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