Here We Go Again!

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You know, we really don’t like writing about Trump but sometimes it becomes necessary. If you haven’t been following his antics, Trump is currently organizing another rally on the west side of the US Capitol grounds. The DC Metropolitan Police have issued a permit for the rally branded “Justice for J6 Rally,” scheduled for September 18th. If you are shaking your heads, know that we are too, like many others. “Here we go again” was heard from officers who defended the Capitol on January 6th.  Trump continues to raise money for his cause and his stockpile is currently over $80 million. Do his followers know or understand that the former guy shifted over $200,000 from his political donors to his private businesses after leaving the White House, according to the latest federal filings? And they still follow!

The lunacy continues as the former guy has asked that his “Patriots” from all around the country carry a Trump Card. This set of four cards is said to be a sign of “your dedicated support to our movement to SAVE AMERICA.” Does this stir up memories of what the Jewish people were forced to endure under Hitler’s rule in Germany? The Jewish Kennkarte, during Nazi times, was the basic form of identification used in Germany during the Third Reich era. Every Jewish citizen (both male and female) was issued one and were expected to produce it when confronted by officials. Why does the Trump card bring back memories of fascism and anarchy? We have every reason to feel this way!

When examining the symbols on the newly designed Trump cards, it is plain to see the similarity between the red, high-end donor Trump card and the Nazi symbol. There is very little difference between the two. To further this concern, Trump wants his dedicated supporters to carry his signed card as a form of Trump ID or privilege. Not surprisingly, one of the four cards offered spelled “Official” wrong.  In true Trump form, the former guy wants his followers to carry these cards but vaccinations cards – no way! And, by the way, when we weren’t looking, a plea deal was reached with the St. Louis gun toting, Trump supporting couple “defending their home” at the BLM March last year. They will serve no jail time and pay a small fine. And, by the way, Mark McCloskey is running for a U.S. Senate seat from Missouri. Why are we not surprised about their white privilege!

Once again, we enter the twilight zone of the former guy’s world. Rallies, fund raising, white supremacy, and domestic terrorism. An attempted coup still in motion, slow but sure. A dictator’s attempt to rise from the rubble.

We were told of a dream someone had where there was a vision of Saint Peter standing at the pearly gates awaiting the arrival of Trump.  We have heard that the arrival at the pearly gates does not necessarily guarantee admittance to heaven. Trump will not like this. We imagined, as he is being sentenced to a fiery abyss, that he will claim a big lie has occurred, that he was framed, and that he earned a trip to heaven by many more votes than anyone else. Not this time, Trump! If this were the case, would his followers accept that he was really gone? Probably not. Would they, like those who believe that Elvis is still alive, think that Trump is life eternal? Probably so. Would they blame his disappearance on Fauci? You bet they would!  We imagine that his followers would be waving banners and wearing hats saying,”He is Alive” and “He is Just Holed Up Somewhere.”

Either way, you can bet his tentacles of followers will linger on, believing in his lies and deceit and wild conspiracy theories.  Looking for a new leader, they will look for a boss who can lie without conscience, cheat without looking back, while praising the rich and running over the poor. Oh, incoming…enter the Trump understudy – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. You know, the “Don’t Fauci My Florida” guy. The anti-science guy who stated that Joe Biden and immigrants at the border caused the Delta variant and that he will fine any Florida school if they implement mask mandates. What a fine proxy for Trump he will make. DeSantis in every step is working towards his new role in the White House. A Harvard grad with aspirations of being in high places where he can practice oppression and supremacy, starting with his own.  

As the mid-term elections approach, things are heating up. This means that it may be the time to stand up against oppression once again.

 Leadership means Action

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