Handling The Fear

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This week, we again saw a horrific display of who Donald Trump really is, what he supports, and what he represents. We saw the devil in clowns clothing at work, an abuser with no emotional control. Trump’s actions were those of a five-year-old oppositional defiant child having his first haircut. Although not new, his lies and remarks at the debate continued to support his white supremacy platform of chaos and violence. In the fashion of Hitler and David Duke, Trump spouted, “Stand back and stand by,” to his armed and dangerous Proud Boys “peace keeping” militia. Russia and China were probably quite pleased with his performance and could always stand to profit from this type of political fistfight. In the words of our friend who is a teacher, “Even my grade school kids have better behavior and debate skills.”

Chockfull of lies, it was hard to find any truth in Trump’s debate words and saving his own neck was his sole focus as his troubles mount.  As we have known all along, he cannot and will not follow any rules and runs his Administration in a zigzag fashion with no plans.  How many times did you yell, “Shut Up”  at the TV? We personally lost count.  If there are no enforced rules and not a “kill switch” on the mic, Joe Biden may well decline an offer to return to the debate stage. Can you blame him!

Now on to the election. If you ask most Democrats if they are fearful these days, they will say yes. If you look at the commentators on CNN and MSNBC, they seem to look a little worried. But why? Because there is a huge potential for this country to slip from Democracy into Autocracy. A dictatorship is knocking at our door and an unscrupulous, white supremacist, self-appointed king awaits the return of the “rigged” election results – an election that he has already declared that he has won. Yes, he is a real magician and we are a bit nervous as we naturally would be. But, not defeated!

Many years ago, when we were in grade school, we learned of Kings who ruled countries. We learned of how America 200 + years ago broke from one of those countries to become and exist as a Democracy.

Impeached Donald Trump, because he can be bought, is not that smart and is also a sociopath, was chosen to lead us to the breaking of America as he has with all of his companies. Fed with the fire of power like a dragon, he was the spot-on pick for the job, rule-less, ruthless, and without a conscience.  Unfortunately, as a result, we find ourselves living in a broken society with a crook at the helm. Here we are, 32 days from the most important election and decision in over 200 years. Yes, we are a bit tired and apprehensive but, most of all, we are hungry for the return of a true democracy, a separation of government from politics, and social justice for all. Lady Liberty awaits this election to see if she will be torn down or locked up as many who have recently come here to these United States have been.

To rise to the challenge of facing this election, we must prepare and take care of ourselves. If you are tired, take a break. Turn off the news, spend time with a good book, or some mindless TV. Calm your brain. Look to humanity, your friends, and yourself.  Are we asking ourselves, where is that Trojan Horse when we need one? Imagine an enormous Trojan Horse sitting at the gates of this White House. We are hoping that the Biden/Harris team is building one right now! We can only hope that all our efforts will make a massive difference. From East to West, North to South, to all our readers, let us keep working together and realize that it is okay to be scared or anxious because we potentially have a lot to lose. In the meantime, we can maintain our resilience by pacing ourselves and remembering to:


-Reach Out to Others

-Sit with our Fears and Calm our Brains

-Visualize a Positive Future

-Take in Some Nature

-And hope for a Trojan Horse!

This blog is dedicated to our readers who make a difference every day in the lives of this country and the ones that they care for.

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