Guns Over Gals

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The question is…what do we do next? What more can this country take away from women? Who has the right to do this to us, to do this to young people and all women in this country? How do we move forward? How do we continue to respect this country, to live in this country? How do we live in a country that does not have our backs!

Five conservative Judges of the Supreme Court and those like thinkers can take pride in ushering us straight into a fascist government. Now 50 years later, they can arrest our doctors and our friends and neighbors for providing and having an abortion. How dare they! What is next on their agenda? Is it banning contraception and same sex marriage? Will women be told what to wear? Will women be told what jobs they can hold? Will women be told that they cannot become doctors, news commentators, reporters, policy makers or astronauts? And that we, as women, cannot make a difference in this world?

Disgust and tears followed today’s decision as we experienced shock and denial. The ruling to ban abortions will result in increased poverty for many and will forever blemish the reputation of the Supreme Court. The ice in the veins of five Supreme Court Justice’s demonstrates that they are a sham and have no shame. In our eyes, we see them as liars, thieves, and thugs.

The Supreme Court of today does not represent the American people. They have deceived both women and men by their lies and their gross misconduct of justice. Because of the make up of this court, our Constitution has been permanently stained and, unfortunately, it will be our blood not theirs shed in the process. They have taken us back 150 years and now we must go underground to get what we need and risk our lives to be free while they sit on Capitol Hill making judgements like cruel Gods. This time, they have gone too far!

BUT women, remember that they have ruled that you can buy lots of guns and wear them on a crowded street in New York City. You can buy a gun to end your life – which we are afraid is going to be the result of this decision.

What in the world is going to wake up this country if this ruling does not? If nothing else, please VOTE for those who support abortion. That is all we have at this moment other than our anger, resentment, and the ability to protest before they try to take that away as well.

Over the next few days, women everywhere in this country will be gathering with friends and in groups strategizing about their next steps. Let us support them in this movement and be a part of it. Ask yourself what we have become as a country and take a stand together to support all of women’s rights. This is the beginning, not the end!

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