Finding Our Center

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11/07/2020 11:25 AM

Our human eyes adapt and dilate to accommodate the dark. When in the dark, even a small ray of light will seem bright. Trump has taken us into the darkness as we continually hoped for that small ray of light to appear. Now as the light gradually returns, we must work to center ourselves and our country.  We share tears of joy as we anticipate the work of a true leader who will bring sides together. We are filled with hope once again.

It is our charge now to begin the healing process by leaving anger and revenge behind. It is time to revisit who we are, where we are, and where we want to go. There is much work to be accomplished and work for positive action to turn this country around.  The American people were all a part of making this win happen and can be a part of our country’s future.   

Let’s move forward and define what we can become. Yes, Joe and Kamala can move us from the darkness. But also, as a people, we must open the fist of hate and bury the viciousness so that each of us can reach reconciliation and compromise. And with that open hand, not a fist, unite. Let the colors of our country emerge as we “become.” Become a country that respects the importance of equity, equality, inclusion, racial justice, and working together to end racism and supremacy. And work to address our current health crisis, climate change, immigration policies, and restore our relations with the world.

Let us once again become…

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