Finding Happiness in Being Useful

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Happiness has been described as contentment and joy. Some say that there is no real joy without pain and that one must experience both to appreciate happiness. We wonder if that is like saying that we must experience both optimism and pessimism and both ends of a lit candle, hot and cold? Mark Twain in his wisdom asked, “What is joy without sorrow?”

Happiness, the healthy kind many say, stems from usefulness. Emerson stated, “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful…”

So, as we move forward into 2021, we ask ourselves how can we be useful and what comfort can we offer others? It is a jungle out there right now. Many are hopeful as a refreshed Democratic Party begins its journey over the next four years. Some are holding their breath and others are breathing a sigh of relief.

We have all accomplished so much in 2020 with much more to come. Please find some happiness in knowing that you were useful in removing 45 from his job. As in the words of Mark Twain, “Some people bring joy wherever they go, and some people bring joy whenever they go.”

Now we can look forward to many democratic changes and some continued efforts on Trump’s part to try and revive himself, as with the Huckabee Sanders run for Arkansas Governor and the horrible QAnon leader M.T. Greene from Georgia. – both repulsive!

What a grand movie this is all going to make one day…

“Mentes Reae” the Movie

A presidential mass murderer allows ½ million people to die from a virus that could have been stopped at the border. A depleted narcissist is fed by the radical right and by a group of more than a dozen dirty politicians. Cloaked in righteousness, they single handedly attempt to destroy democracy and save their own skin with “mens rea” = criminal intent.  Watch as lawsuits follow the narcissist and his followers to their moral and political graves.

Coming soon to your TV because no one can go to a movie theater now thanks to COVID and the actions of the malignant narcissist. Maybe we will enjoy the movie more than actually living through it!

Double Mask Up, Save a Life, and Enjoy Some Happiness.

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