Feckless Leader

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 (Feckless = lacking initiative, strength of character; irresponsible)

The November headlines might well read, “Trump Leaves Office and Burns it Down Along the Way.” Four years ago, we took a leap of faith. We remained in shock for some time after the results of the 2016 election. Many believed that Russia was the reason for Trump’s win and that fact was later proven to be true.

In 2020, expect a total revenge when Trump loses the election 18 days from today. This effort has already begun. As a person who does not know how to tell the truth, lying has become routine for Trump and his circle. Trump, in 4 years, has normalized hate speech, grown a vicious militia, and started a home-grown civil war. The Michigan Governor knows this well. Trump has treated this country as his company, and the American people as his employees. In his attempt to dominate, he has led us into chaos and bankruptcy and, alone, has grown a US trade deficit which is the highest in 14 years. We have lost many, if not all, of our allies and we are suffering from more cases and deaths from Covid than any other country. The United States has 25% of all Covid deaths worldwide.

In another super-spreader, Minnesota Trump rally last month, Trump referred to those in his predominantly white audience as having “good genes.”  He went on to expound on the importance of having good genes as he hinted at the notion of selective breeding.  His additional comments on the racehorse theory, which is the heart of Nazi ideology, reflected on his thinking that human selective breeding can improve a country’s performance. Trump’s rhetoric clearly reflects a stance that supports racial purity. Are we not shocked by this? We guess that is how he became such a low life stud like his father!  His comments about good genes reinforce his war on color and his battle for a racial divide.  If he is working to be remembered as Hitler and Stalin and, those whose reign resulted in the deaths of a million people or more, he is well on his way.

After November, a different fight will begin. One, as Joe Biden says, is the need to restore our nation’s soul. Things going forward will be different yet will become our norm. It is refreshing to note that to aid in this recovery, humans possess a specific trait called Hedonic Adaptation. This theory poses that people repeatedly return to their baseline of happiness regardless of what happens to them. Because of this, we will survive. We will mourn and remember our losses and we will move forward.

On the other hand, the theory of Normalcy Bias is the belief that things will return to normal. The Trumpers may well fit into this category as many choose to live in a state of denial. Thus, the lack of masks and their desire to return to life in Mayberry R.F.D. We await the return of sound leaders who will address this and work towards peace and social justice. Unlike Trump, we have heard that great leaders eat last and sleep less than their constituents because they are working to guide and protect them. A comforting thought. We look forward to that form of leadership.

We can see the finish line in front of us and it is our race to win!

This blog is dedicated to a good friend who, through her persistence for social justice, has managed to aid those disenfranchised in the criminal justice system to exercise their right to vote. That system can be slanted and, if not for work like hers, many would be denied their basic rights. This effort is needed throughout this country because, as of today, 6.1 million Americans cannot vote because of a felony conviction. We are reminded that voting is not a privilege but a basic right. Wherever and whenever possible, support the Voting Rights Restoration Act which prohibits the denial of the right to register and vote in an election for Federal office on the grounds of a felony conviction.

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