Everything We Own Is Wrinkled

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The world is shifting. This we believe is the biggest shift in humanity in modern times. Bigger than the industrial revolution, the invention of the indoor toilet, the refrigerator, the washer and dryer, and the TV. The current shift is that of morality and of conscience – a shift in the basic function of the human brain. It is retrogression disguised as evolution and one that is pushing humans back in time and in thinking rather than forward.

It is a movement fueled by a lure to power and greed which is creating a separation from the essential human connection with others and with the earth. It is a movement that is creating a void, a robotic chill, accompanied by a lack of warmth within humanity.

Even successful surgeons who once visualized with their hands and healed with a scalpel are turning to robots to do their curative work. Distinct cars are now being driven by computer software like the “Look Mom, no hands” Tesla. Like from horses to motorized vehicles, the robotic shift is swiftly moving forward. The world is changing so quickly and it is a pace that we can hardly see but can only feel. We can feel the chill of people pushing away from each other and others struggling to hold on. And we are all witnesses as the earth responds with floods and fire and the threat of expiration and extinction. As we have ourselves made a dramatic geographic move north, we see others who are doing the same. We see humans struggling to hold on to this earth, to their piece of it, and for their own peace.

In the meantime, it seems like everything we own and know is wrinkled. Our clothes, the legal and political system, the earth, and the people living on it. We are hoping that all can and will be ironed out and that we as a planet can endure and survive and learn from the heat, the cold, the fire, and the rain.

   “Don’t pray for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs”   – Gautama Buddha

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