Don’t Fall Back – Move Forward

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100 years ago, in October of 1919, Adolf Hitler gave his first political speech as a member of the German Workers’ Party in a beer hall in Munich, Germany.

In his second speech in November of 1919, hecklers were violently ejected. That year, he also wrote of the necessity of removing Jews from Germany. Following those speeches, the rise of the Nazi party commenced and eventually lead to Hitler’s rise in leadership. Along the way, Hitler attempted to overthrow the German Republic in 1923 during which he was tried and spent time in prison for high treason.  Following his 9- month prison term, he reorganized and reunified the Nazi Party and structured it like a government so, when he came into power, his principles merely slipped into place and overtook the democracy in Germany.

It is said that he rose to power by attracting new, unemployed, and alienated voters who were desperate for change and that he seized every opportunity to turn the country into a one-party dictatorship. In 1934, Hitler proclaimed himself the Fuhrer of the German people and all military personnel and civil servants swore an oath of personal loyalty to Hitler.

If you sense similarities with what we are experiencing politically today, and with Hitler’s campaign, then we are not surprised.

100 years later, we are asking if history repeats itself.

Currently, there are many in our country who are looking for change. The gaslighting technique, used by the current Administration, plays on those who are vulnerable and are easily swayed by political figures who promise all, lie a great deal, and actually provide very little. This does make you wonder if this type of autocracy merely went underground or just went unnoticed for the past 100 years. And now, like mushrooms, it just took the right climate for it to surface.

The similarities can be frightening and, at a minimum, we should look at where we are today as a wake-up call. In 1945, Hitler met his demise by suicide after taking cyanide and shooting himself, but the reign of terror and death and destruction was endless. Unfortunately, after his death, his beliefs and his writings did not go away.

100 years later, we must determine if we will rise up and join the fight of good vs. evil.

Impeachment hearings have begun and many in our country remain hopeful that the results of those hearings will end the struggle with the takeover of our government and the potential demise of our democracy. Although pleased that our democratic system is working, there is no guarantee that an impeachment, if determined by the House, will end this criminal behavior.

2 Gals 4 Peace is seeking ways to help bring this destructiveness to an end and restore peace and stability in our lives. We are determined to help register voters, and volunteer with groups that support the disenfranchised and support our mission. We do not want to turn the clock back but want to move forward towards a better world for all of us. Please join us in moving forward!

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