Diversity – Equity – Inclusion

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are the new principles to attack, to blame, to ban, and to criminalize. DEI is to be feared and hated. It is now to be blamed for a recent California bank closing as stated by billionaire and The Home Depot co-founder, Bernie Marcus. He stated, “These banks are badly run because everybody is focused on diversity and all the woke issues.” Well, if that doesn’t make you queasy!

How does he think he would have risen to the top as a Jewish man from New Jersey if there was not diversity, equity, and inclusion? What if Jewish persons had been blocked from the running for such positions? People like him have forgotten their cultural roots, the story of their forefathers, mothers, and families. They have forgotten why people died for them so they could enjoy the power and freedom that they live with today. No memory and no compassion.

If you are Jewish, remember the day that someone stood up for your freedom. If you are Gay, remember those who struggled for change so you could love whomever you want. If you are any minority, remember those whose shoulders you stand upon.

There are many heroes who have worked and died to give us our lives of freedom. We cannot and should not forget the history of our culture, the wars raged against us, and those who fought for us.

As states change laws to outlaw diversity, equity, and inclusion, we must stick together like never before. Do not let the swastikas stop us. Do not let the white hoods stop us. Do not let their cruel words weaken us or diminish our endeavors. Do not let “them” stop us from our work for freedom. Do not let them burn your books or stop you from voting against them. Do teach the children and listen to our elders. If you have a faith, call upon it. Fill your heart with love and share it, for together we can be strong. If we stick together, we will remain stronger than the devils who lurk amongst us.

“The ultimate tragedy is not oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

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