DeSantis on the Loose – The Muting of the State

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There is a joke that when the political toilet is flushed, it all flows down to Florida. So true and many vile politicians have already made it to Florida like the current Gov. Ron DeSantis. Little Donnie, as he is called, is backed by the “former guy” and has chosen to run “his” state like a Putin’s paradise.  His regime supports the irrational “big lie” that the election was stolen and, under his rule, the democratic system is under constant attack. This includes his flagrant attacks on voting rights, assistance for those in financial crisis, the freedoms of peaceful protesters, rights of transgendered athletes, and that of local governments’ abilities to make their own decisions.

Little Donnie lives and rules in the shadow of the former guy and the rumor here is that the 2024 Republican ticket is slated for Trump/DeSantis. If that does not make you sick, nothing will. It is all evidence that a life-size devil lives in Florida and is now operating out of a bridal suite in Mar-a-Lago. Holding press conferences fashioned after Mad TV and Alfred E. Neuman, the former guy and his Florida Republican base push their stolen election theory like french fries and cotton candy at the beach. As they do, the state has lifted all Covid precautions as if the pandemic has suddenly disappeared. As the infection rate remains steady, as do deaths from Covid, the State of Florida declares that it is open for business – no masks, no social distancing, no precautions required.  All this while the real Covid numbers are held back from the public and those reporting them can and have been removed from their positions and, in one case, arrested.

Issues of clean water, the need for raising basic standards for police, and the rights of the people go unchecked as little Donnie marches on in Tallahassee. As the citizens of Key West have found that their vote to protect their precious ecosystem by limiting the size of cruise ships and the number of passengers who can visit daily has been ignored. The Republican-led Senate voted to overturn the 2020 vote by Key West residents that would restrict cruise ship operations. And it has now been reported that cruise-pier operator, Mark Walsh, who opposes the Key West vote, recently contributed $1 million to the DeSantis political action committee. The Florida Keys and all of Florida await little Donnie’s verdict on this bill as the fate of the Keys barrier reef and the livelihood of fishermen is now in the hands of the Governor. How scary!

What will the voters and the environment have to sacrifice so that big donors can continue to win as DeSantis creates a pay to play State? Clearly, in Florida, there is a good vs evil war underway. And, as we see it, the Republican politicians and those supporting DeSantis, Scott, and Rubio are pure evil. And Georgia, Texas, and Indiana are not far behind as they, too, make it harder for votes to be recognized.

With this in mind, we chose not to despair but rather to get creative and organize. When we see a horrid mess, as there is in Florida, we are compelled to do something. First, we need to acknowledge that there were mistakes made in the past. We may have let our guard down and expected others to protect our Constitution. Going forward, we recognize that we are in need of an early plan and take responsibility for some action. This includes taking a stand. If, for no other reason, consider the Trump/DeSantis ticket as a motivator. Ask yourself, is your State next? Do not be fooled thinking that what is happening in Florida could not happen in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, California, or any other state.

We need to look to solutions that are easy to accomplish over time. The first is protecting voter rights and promoting voter registration. We need to be a constant presence with local issues. In casual settings, encourage Democrats, Independents, and wavering Republicans to vote on issues that are value added. In the theory that all politics is local, address issues, for example, that support the fishermen or farmers in your area, promote clean water, and police–community relations. This is where we can create a common ground with those persons who seem to live on the other side of the issues. Begin to create a win-win. Plant a positive seed and give it time to grow. With any luck and hard work, we will hopefully see future votes that support those working and earth mindful people and not the 1%.

Join your local Democratic organization and register voters. Have a constant presence in the community. Ask the Dems to set up a table at your yard sale to register voters. Yes, this is happening!

Support the Voting Rights Act. If we vote, we will win, Others want to move the goal post, change the rules, and cheat to win. We can win honestly. It will just take some effort. So, give whatever effort you can. It takes a lot of snowflakes to make a blizzard but we can do it!

“The ultimate measure of a man (and a woman) is not where he (or she) stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he (or she) stands at times of challenge and controversy.”         

MLK, Jr.

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