Dangerous Culture Replacement

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Some may recall that from 1956 to 1965, the State of Florida underwent a government-led witch hunt to root out civil rights activists, gays, and supposedly Communists from State institutions. The Johns Committee purge flushed out hundreds of students and teachers throughout the State and accused the NAACP of Communist activities. As history begins to repeat itself, we see a future of purging as a tactic being used in the deep Red States in the name of Christianity.

Religion has a way of creeping in and creeping in between. Religion can be a good thing but it can also be disturbing. Maggie grew up Catholic and recalls the priests at Sunday mass yelling at parishioners and telling them what sinners they were. Maggie does not recall herself being a sinner per se, particularly at age 8, but maybe those bad thoughts she had about those priests might take her to hell one day. Andrea grew up with no religion and is relieved that she was not burdened by it. Which was better is hard to say. Both may have their pros and cons.

The conversation about faith led us to the question of where did religion begin. Organized religion is said to have begun 11,000 years ago. Hinduism and Buddhism led the way with theories of asceticism and self-discipline. Later, the Neolithic Revolution saw the shift of nomadic bands and tribes into sedentary villages. There the village chiefs, kings, and emperors played dual roles as political and spiritual leaders and had increasing power over those within their province. Their elevated political power was justified through divine influence, and they used this influence to bolster themselves. Thus, the birth of rituals and religion followed. And, there it began!

Fast forward to 2023 and it is not a mistake that we see this very process replicated in our current society. The amalgam of religion and politics makes Thomas Jefferson’s concept of the “wall of separation between church and state” cringe. We cringe as we witness a movement firsthand challenging individuals, schools, medical care, and educational institutions. In Florida and other States around the country, this movement is serving to change the delivery of medical care and education in the name of Christianity.

The breaking news in Florida this week involves a small but notable independent, public liberal arts college founded in 1960 in Sarasota. New College is an honors college for the State of Florida and was named one of the best public colleges in the country. With almost 700 students, it boasts of a tight knit student body and an incredible higher educational experience. The school has produced Rhodes Scholars and other notable graduates.

This week marks the Ron DeSantis culture war on public education and the rollout of his “anti-woke” campaign as he begins what is being called a “hostile takeover” of New College. DeSantis’s goal is to turn New College into a conservative, Christian liberal arts college formed in the image and likeness of the ultraconservative, Christian Hillsdale College in Michigan. Starting that process this month, he appointed six new ultra conservative members to the New College Board of Trustees to carry out his purist vision. This is all a part of the DeSantis self-serving culture war on critical race theory, gender, and LGBTQ+ issues which is determined to abolish programs at the State level while creating what is being called “patriotic education.”

As the students and alumni come together to prepare to defend and preserve their institution, DeSantis is designing a new core curriculum with a Christian focus reshaping the already highly functioning liberal arts college from top to bottom. The students, alumni, and staff stand witness to the DeSantis war on diversity, equality, and inclusion and his “march through” the institutions on his current hit list which includes Florida schools, hospitals, and companies such as Disney.

Clearly, the ultra-right-wing, Christian conservative movement is alive and well in Florida while DeSantis, in his second term, continues to fulfill his ambitions here at home. You may wonder why we are concerned about a far-right evangelical coup at one little Florida college. Sometimes small things aren’t so small after all. And we ask, is this how Hitler started? Sometimes “freedoms” such as those in Florida are not free and are outright attacks on social justice. The students at New College do not want to be told what to believe in and who to be. And we share their concerns.

DeSantis has no plans for stopping his molding of schools, hospitals, and corporations in his image and we fear that this conservative “freedom movement” is one of a frightening culture replacement. We hope that as this story goes national that it will show that these students and their school are not going down without a fight. But after all, what do you expect from a State that houses the ex-President, Mike Flynn, Matt Gaetz, a Brazilian loser, the MAGA red tide, and more. Coming your way soon? We hope not!

“Imagine the impossible and make it possible.”

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Julie

    I used to be a Democrat. But then, I started using my common sense and couldn’t support many policies. I don’t think Ron DeSantis is anything but reasonable. I don’t want anything but ACADEMICS in our schools. I LOVE that Ron is keeping our students’ innocence in mind and wants education to keep to the basics. The NEA has done way more harm than good to children across the US and you need to realize that. Have you seen the reading and math scores pre and post COVID across the US? I do not believe in “Equity” I believe in equality. MLK supports my sentiments. There is no “witch hunt”. Using terms like that is a problem that people like you try to promote…and this is fear mongering. You call many people “ultras”. Please just discuss ideas without labeling, if you are able to do so.

    1. 2gals4peace

      In response to your comments, here are our ideas regarding using no labels. We would prefer to use definitions starting with academics. By definition, an academic is a teacher or scholar in a college or institute of higher education. We consider academically unqualified those retired military, EMT’s and their spouses who have been invited to teach in our Florida public schools. Indoctrination is not education and students deserve fully trained, educated, and certified teachers in their classrooms. We wonder if you are seeing many of your fellow non-Democrats’ children attending charter or private schools?

      Education is that of teaching but also allowing students to explore their own thinking and not controlling it. Brainwashing is not education and, as children grow, keeping “to the basics” in education does not allow for a full educational experience. Additionally, not all families are looking for Christian based education.

      Secondly, common sense is that of showing good sense and sound judgement in practical matters. It is not about condemning the NEA and accusing the organization of doing more harm to children than good. With a mission to improve the quality of teaching, increase student achievement, and make schools safer and better places to learn, what harm have they done?

      COVID has taken its toll on academia and businesses and there will be a ripple effect felt for years to come. We are all recovering from the COVID storm as life has changed for many because of it. Many setbacks have occurred, such as related deaths, other losses, and the need for accommodations within a new way of life.

      We believe in kindness and diversity no matter what Party one affiliates with. We support both equity – the quality of being fair and impartial, and equality – the state of being equal in status, rights and opportunity. Martin Luther King Jr. supported both concepts. There is no room for discrimination in this country and freedom should be enjoyed by all not just the few.

      Definition = Freedom – the power to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. It is…
      Freedom from…
      Freedom to…
      Freedom to be…

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