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Do the names Marjorie Taylor Green, Rick Scott, and George Santos stress you out? Does the saying, “You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig,” make you laugh and cringe at the same time? Did Mitt Romney’s comments to George Santos at this week’s State of the Union, “You don’t belong here,” make you think that Romney for a second was finally “Woke?” Does the sight of Sarah Huckabee Sanders make you gag? Doesn’t she make drag queens look beautiful? Doesn’t this all make you want to look up the definition of crazy? We did it for you = unsound mind, mentally unbalanced, deranged, psychopathic, insane. There you have it, welcome to the new State of the Union.

There was no grandpa shaming at this year’s State of the Union. Biden pulled this off like a sharp, young buck ready for the challenge. He proudly showed his skills as he worked the impossible task of bringing everyone in the room together.  He made them look foolish? No, they made themselves look foolish.

Let’s ride the blue wave for a bit and see how things play out. As we do, we will continue to work for peace and social justice because this country is sorely in need of it. As always, let’s stick together and keep working to find common ground with those on the other side. Then, maybe we can find some middle ground that is not so crazy.

Crazy of the Week – While Rubio and Trump criticized Biden for waiting so long to take down a Chinese spy balloon this week, Trump was reminded that, when he was in office, three Chinese spy balloons flew over US air space – one directly over the US appendage of Florida.

Score = Balloons 3 – Trump 0

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