Crisis or Opportunity

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Our neighbor dropped off a melon for us today on her way back home from the grocery store. I washed the outside with a homemade Clorox solution, dried it, and put it in the kitchen. I did this while wondering what to do with our theater tickets for next week.

You can’t deny that something is happening.

We are cautious about grocery shopping and have already stocked up on essentials. At a store this morning, I safely kept 3 or more feet from the person in front of and behind me in line. I washed my hands and my wrists with my favorite hand sanitizing pad when leaving the store, not forgetting the steering wheel once I was in my car. Again, I washed my hands vigorously when I arrived home.


Clearly, Covid-19 is here and we are seeing its progression.

We have experienced two deaths in our state and two confirmed positive cases in our county, one of which is community acquired. I now hear that our local grocery store is “rationing” cleaning supplies, sanitizers, hand soap, alcohol, tissue, paper plates and utensils. Our neighbors are making homemade hand sanitizer. In Italy, which has essentially closed its borders, many say that it is like war time.

When safely at home, we sit and ponder all of this and wonder if we should feel grateful or just plain scared about the virus’s lethal potential. Grateful may be a strange word to use but somehow we have been hoping that something good could come of this and maybe even bring people together. We do wonder if this transformation will happen and we hope that it will. We wonder if this is the earth’s way of getting back at us for permanently damaging it while creating and enabling global climate change. 

Right now, it seems a little like “every person for themselves.” Words from the White House are glossed over with falsehoods while some leaders wear gas masks to mock the “democratic hoax” and later self-quarantine to protect themselves, we believe. On what grounds are these people denying what is happening? We suggest that those who think that this is a hoax should volunteer to work in a hospital where patients are being treated for the virus.

We know that humans have been through rough times like this before. For example, the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 killed 650,000 in the US and 50 million worldwide. We have seen TB and AIDS epidemics, the Hong Kong Flu, H1N1, and SARS which first erupted in China. Scientific leaders cite overpopulation, travel, and close proximity as causes for large scale spreads of viruses. They also note that there are viruses that can jump from animals to humans. So here we are and all of this can be quite overwhelming when we are living through it.

2Gals4Peace suggests that we not politicize this event as some have tried to do. The wearing of a gas mask during such potentially catastrophic events is disgusting and has no meaning except that of hate. The reality is that this virus is contagious before it even shows symptoms which means that…

We all must remain cautious by remembering to:

  • Keep at least a 3-foot distance from those you don’t know
  • Elbow knock instead of doing a handshake
  • Wash your hands and do not touch your face in public
  • Wash your clothes often
  • Follow the facts and the CDC recommendations and guidelines
  • Protect yourself, your family, and your friends
  • Although it may seem inconvenient, use healthy social distancing 
  • Reconsider events with large crowds and travel
  • If you have a pet, plan on who can take care of it if you are ill

AND…When in doubt – don’t

The question remains how to come together during such a crisis. We suggest forming a plan to help one another while staying safe yourself. Be a friend and, as always, be kind even if from a distance.

Be Kind

Be Well

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