The Worst of the Worst

For many years, Aaron Burr was considered the worst U.S. Vice President. Born in New Jersey, he shot and killed his political rival, Alexander Hamilton, in an illegal duel. He carried large debt and was eventually charged with treason. He left for Europe, returned to NY City, had 2 marriages – divorce and scandal ensued. He had a stroke and died broke in a boarding house in New York. Yes, this was our 3rd Vice Present Aaron Burr. Does his story sound familiar? Experts say that you cannot run a political agenda that only represents the top. You must radicalize those at the bottom, those who have far less, so you can promise them more. And that was Trump’s doing.…


The Rogue Wave

If you are saying to yourself, “this is not who we are,” you are wrong. This is just who and what our country has become. A planned coup, a hanging noose, handcuffs, and hostages. This is where “he” has taken us, not down a rabbit hole but straight into the sewer of hell. As his scum followers broke windows and invaded our Capitol, we watched and worried where the Feds were and who was protecting our democracy, our people, and our property. Flags waving and thugs dressed in phony military gear suddenly took charge. While some Capitol Police were overwhelmed, others stood next to the scum bags taking selfies. This is just what we have become, led by a deranged…


The Abnormal Presidency

As soon as Former President Trump (doesn’t that sound good) departs, it may be interesting to note that he has left behind a deficit larger than any other and spending that tops $800 Million. And on top of that, 22,500+ lies in 4 years – all stunning! The Washington Post stated it well in The Abnormal Presidency - 20 most important norms that Trump broke. We can see that the Biden Administration has a big job ahead of it. The Washington Post list of 20: Personally profitingNot releasing tax returnsRefusing oversightInterfering in Department of Justice investigationsAbusing appointment powerInsulting allies and cozying up to authoritariansCoercing presidential discoursePoliticizing the militaryAttacking judgesPoliticizing diplomacy and federal policyUndermining intelligence agenciesPublicizing list of Supreme Court picksMaking…


After the Fire

Democracy on the Line… One might equate the events over the last four years and leading up to today to that of a forest fire. First the smoke and then the flames. As the smoke begins to clear, there lies the vision of what remains before us. The most amazing adaption to a forest fire is that of plants and trees. There are species that actually require fire for their seeds to sprout as some are sealed in resin. Their dormancy can only be broken as they release their seeds after the heat of a fire melts the resin. There are other plants that remain buried and will only sprout when a wildfire awakens them.   We are not saying…


4 Days to Go – GO JOE & KAMALA

Picture yourself as a race car driver, astronaut, or cardiac surgeon. Imagine their emotions, blood pressures rising as they prepare to race, lift off for space, or begin a life changing surgery. This is how we feel about this election. As we carefully filled out our ballots with perfect circles, our hearts raced as we deeply felt the connection with the potential of our votes. Ours, like everyone’s’ choices, could have implications for mending our Constitution, saving the Courts, defending our Democracy, addressing the Covid crisis, and restoring our dignity in the world. We appreciate that it takes time to research and vote on issues. And, it takes courage to work to safely move this country forward. This election year,…


Breathe In

Faced with the enormity of this election, do not hold your breath!  Breathe in Biden-Harris and breathe out Trump. Breathe in Jaime Harrison, Sara Gideon, and Theresa Greenfield and breathe out Graham, Collins, and Ernst. And so forth… With 11 days left until the election, the Democrats and our supporters are stoked. We are ready to end this fight and get back to the real work of restoring our democracy. Our neighbor across the street told us that if Trump gets in once again, he is moving back to Canada. Let’s hope that none of us will have to make that kind of decision. As the clock ticks down, let’s do all that we can to get out the vote…


Feckless Leader

 (Feckless = lacking initiative, strength of character; irresponsible) The November headlines might well read, “Trump Leaves Office and Burns it Down Along the Way.” Four years ago, we took a leap of faith. We remained in shock for some time after the results of the 2016 election. Many believed that Russia was the reason for Trump’s win and that fact was later proven to be true. In 2020, expect a total revenge when Trump loses the election 18 days from today. This effort has already begun. As a person who does not know how to tell the truth, lying has become routine for Trump and his circle. Trump, in 4 years, has normalized hate speech, grown a vicious militia, and…


Time to Lean In

The October Surprise has arrived early this election year. A President who is personally reckless has been taken ill by a virus that is only a hoax and will go away like a miracle. Trump said early on that the virus had infected only one person and not to worry. We would say, yes, one person at a time, Mr. Trump. How is that working for you right now? Science Rules! Mary Mallon was born in Ireland in 1869. She immigrated to the US in 1884. She worked in a variety of domestic positions for wealthy families prior to her career as a cook. Her mother had become infected with typhoid when she was pregnant, leaving Mary one of the…


Handling The Fear

This week, we again saw a horrific display of who Donald Trump really is, what he supports, and what he represents. We saw the devil in clowns clothing at work, an abuser with no emotional control. Trump’s actions were those of a five-year-old oppositional defiant child having his first haircut. Although not new, his lies and remarks at the debate continued to support his white supremacy platform of chaos and violence. In the fashion of Hitler and David Duke, Trump spouted, “Stand back and stand by,” to his armed and dangerous Proud Boys “peace keeping” militia. Russia and China were probably quite pleased with his performance and could always stand to profit from this type of political fistfight. In the…


How Do We Rise Up?

At this juncture, we must ask ourselves who are we. Who are we in a world that has been forever changed by Covid and the Trump regime? On one hand, Covid has changed the world and we are challenged as a race to adapt. This is more than likely only the first in a series of vast challenges to our human race and the earth’s environment. Secondly, we can see that we are living within a Trumpian political world whose sole purpose is to get re-elected. Trump remains a puppet for the selfish causes and clearly remains on Putin’s payroll. Following the Russian playbook, it has now become standard practice for our current government to withhold critical information like known…