Honor the Earth

We saw a placard on a truck today that read “Trump/DeSantis 2024  Make America Florida.” OMG, you can only imagine our reaction! This is just as we were all ready to write about the benefits of communing with Mother Nature. Well, we are going to look away for the moment and write about nature anyway. Mother Nature is usually gentle and kind but she has been acting up lately. Extreme heat, fires, and floods. Sounds almost biblical. As some men and women seek ways to get off this earth, others look for ways to stay here and survive. Greta Thunberg, the 18-year-old Swedish environmental activist, worries that, "As it is now, nothing is changing. The only thing that's changing is…


Here We Go Again!

You know, we really don’t like writing about Trump but sometimes it becomes necessary. If you haven’t been following his antics, Trump is currently organizing another rally on the west side of the US Capitol grounds. The DC Metropolitan Police have issued a permit for the rally branded “Justice for J6 Rally,” scheduled for September 18th. If you are shaking your heads, know that we are too, like many others. “Here we go again” was heard from officers who defended the Capitol on January 6th.  Trump continues to raise money for his cause and his stockpile is currently over $80 million. Do his followers know or understand that the former guy shifted over $200,000 from his political donors to his…


My Guise is a Mask

Like many of you, we ventured out to the grocery store this week. It had been awhile and we had not really missed it. When we were kids and went to the grocery store, it was a fun treat. We recall that when we grew older and moved out of our homes to live on our own, we rediscovered the grocery store. This included shopping on our own and paying at the checkout! There was a certain sense of freedom about it. It seems that going out these days, at least in Florida, has become a bit of a challenge once again. We find ourselves well trained in mask cover up because now masks have become our standard “equipment” when…


Odd We Are

Lately, for some reason, while in conversation we recalled a musing saying from years ago.  It is, “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.” It is one of those things that sticks with you, for it is a curious saying. There was even a comical retort and song written about it in the 1990’s. Strangely enough, the saying came from the sharped tongued, New York writer and poet Dorothy Parker. Dorothy Parker was born at the Jersey shore in 1893 and spent most of her life in New York as a pitchy humored writer and poet. Parker was self-described as “a drinker with a writing problem.” She is acclaimed as one of the most…


Take the Jab

It is time to talk about vaccine hostility. Not just the current anti-vaxxers but where the Anti-Vax Movement actually began. The resistance to vaccinations and the Anti-Vax Movement traces back to religious roots with the Reverend Edmund Massey. In 1772, the Reverend Edmund Massey in England called vaccines “diabolical operations” in his sermon entitled, “The Dangerous and Sinful Practice of Inoculations.” Many years later in 2020, the US Roman Catholic Bishops issued formal comments on the moral aspects of various vaccines and their objections were the use of fetal tissue used long ago. Their comments on the Astra Zeneca vaccine included that it was “morally compromised” and “should be avoided.” They later revoked their statement and allowed the vaccine due…


The Two Flags of America

As the Insurrection remains fresh in our memories, we look back and ask ourselves how can we as Americans raise our American flag and see its meaning in such different ways? One can raise it in pride and egalitarianism while another uses it as a weapon. A weapon to attempt to harm and kill police and our democracy! How many ways are there to explain why people of the same human race can look at things and see them so vastly different? Rubin’s Vase, an optical illusion developed by Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin, is a wonderful example of this. You may recall the effect of looking at this object. What you might see is a vase or the two faces.…


Let’s Extirpate

We recently discovered a word which further describes our deep sentiment about what we would like to see as the fate of the new Extremist Party (the old GOP). The word “extirpate” means to root out, wipe out, pull up by the roots, and completely do away with. The word struck home with us and describes what we would like to see as the fate of this new Republican Party. An example, in a fine display of stupidity and ignorance, recently MT Greene of the Extremist Party made a threatening statement when she demanded that President Joe Biden provide his response about the China Wuhan lab by June 31st. In an air of continued witlessness, she failed to know that…


Evolution or Regression

We have been scratching our heads lately trying to identify what stage humanity is in its development. Maybe a New Age or the Age Without Conscience would be a fitting title. We thought we would look back into history to gain some clarity. Since life began billions of years ago following the Big Bang, there have been “Ages” that separated the survival and development of living creatures on Earth. The Big Bang is said to define the formation of the Universe and later the formation of the stars and the planets, including Earth. As the theory elucidates, life on earth exploded with the evolution of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. One group of mammals developed hands, thumbs, color eyesight,…


From Pandemic to Epidemic

As we move on from 2020 and the year of the worst pandemic in 100 years, we look back and begin to look ahead as well. With the incredible work of scientists on the Covid vaccine, we are now able to socialize and travel with more ease. We cannot thank them enough. It is hard to predict what will come out of a crisis like the one we have just lived through. The ripple effects of a large-scale crisis can be interesting, strange, good, or devastating. A ripple effect as we know is defined as the continuing and spreading of an event or action. This would imply that the pandemic is not really over, it’s just spreading out. As a…


Commemorative Day

Memorial Day is soon approaching. When we were kids, this meant the end of the school year and the beginning of summer. It meant longer days, reading lists, BBQs, watermelon, beach days, and vacations. It was about listening for the Good Humor truck and, some years later, getting a cool summer job. Memorial Day originated in the years following the Civil War in the 1800’s and was originally called Decoration Day. It officially became a federal holiday in 1971.  It is a day for honoring and mourning military personnel who were lost while serving our country. This includes men and women on the field, at sea, in the air, and those who served in MASH units. Soldiers, medics, nurses, and…