How Dare They

The assault continued as members of the Republican Party sat for hours taking swipes at the Democrat’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Why is it that, especially, women of color must work ten times harder for a position that they are ten times more qualified for? The Republican Party is proving in this process to be the dregs of the earth. It is already the party of Trump, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Gaetz, all of whom have been accused of wrong doings with women. And now the party dares to take swipes at the more than capable Ketanji Brown Jackson. Not since the questioning of Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford, have we seen such a disgusting display of…


World in Decline

It is hard to admit that our society is on a decline. There is so much goodness in this world but depravity is working hard to influence a takeover of the good. Our hearts go out to those peaceful people of Ukraine. They are victims of a Putin invasion with families scurrying to survive the Russian bombs outside of their homes. Friends and families have been separated from each other as crying children cling to adults for safety. Families are being torn apart and the pain is immeasurable. The acts of a vile man and the destruction caused by greed and power which is pure evil. In this country, we cry for Democracy as US states vote in fascist laws…


The God-Awful Truth

The highway sign as you cross over 95 going south into Florida should read: Welcome to the Freedom State - (but read the small print) Do not bring any books with you except your Bible. Leave your trashy Catcher in the Rye and Lord of the Flies behind or they will be confiscated. And, god forbid, if you bring anything about Anne Frank or Michele Obama’s book with you or Caste or anything else that may offend the white people here. Salute our Florida Legislature for its new bill, HB 1557 “Parental Rights in Education,” which seeks to ban those nasty sex education classes and gender discussions. It’s been said that under this bill, if a student wants a vegetarian…


The Third Eye

We were recently talking about our eyes and came upon the notion of a third eye. There is a theory that humans in ancient times had a third eye in the back of their heads that had a physical and spiritual function. As it goes, as humans evolved, the third eye atrophied and sunk into the pineal gland. Today, many believe that our bodies are comprised of seven chakras and the most important one is the sixth one, the third eye. The third eye, which is the color purple, symbolizes enlightenment and is located between the eyebrows. If you can find it, you might find your clairvoyant powers or the ability to have an out of body experience. It is…


Jump Jim Crow

It is hard to find the words to describe how we feel about the defeat of the voting rights bills this week. It is at a minimum shocking! Voting is the basis of a democracy and a democratic government cannot run freely without it. How would we have known that this was coming? Should we have known that this was coming? Shame on Manchin and Sinema and the Republican Senate. We guess we should have seen this coming when we witnessed Republican led states passing laws making it more difficult for minorities to vote. The execution of a Republican master plan has resulted in polling locations shrinking for many. Included in the plan is a change in the requirement for…


Holy Caligula

It has been said that if the earth’s poles were to reverse, it would mark the death of this planet. As we observed the one-year anniversary of January 6th, we wondered if what we are currently experiencing are the poles reversing on an ethical and moral level. Anyone who was pleased with what happened on 1/6/21 is probably not reading this blog. When wrong is right, murder is praised, and peace demonized, we wonder if this reversal of poles has already begun. An arrogant, cry-baby kid kills two unarmed peaceful protesters in Wisconsin and is offered the Medal of Honor by Republican lawmakers and a job as a Congressional aid. Yet, a black man cannot take a jog down a…


An Oath to Keep

“I, ________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…” This week, the Washington, DC area had its first frost warning of the season. How fitting as Virginia was also included in that warning. This warning was an apt response to Tuesday’s Virginia elections and the results on the up and down ballots where Republicans overall took the win. Across the US, at least thirteen members who attended the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan 6th won their bids for election. Three of those Republicans were elected to state legislatures and five won positions at the local level. We find this bone chilling. Among the…


Today’s Travail

The Bible and religion are always a tricky subject to talk about, much less to write about. But here we go… For some reason, we recently began to think about why there were Bibles in hotels and they were usually found in bedside tables. This came out of an idea one night by two traveling salesmen who were Christians in 1898 as they shared a room in a crowded hotel. As a result, they formed a group calling themselves the Gideons. They placed their first Bible in a nightstand at the Superior Hotel in Superior, Montana in 1908. As of February of 2020, 2.4 billion Bibles had been distributed by Gideons International, the evangelical Christian organization, to hospital, prisons, schools,…


Where’s the Beef?

We have already begun to think about the 2024 run for President. We are not quite sure that Joe will run again and are already wondering who will lead the Democrats to victory. We are hoping that Trump will be indicted and incarcerated by that time or at least on house arrest in Mara Lago. Florida has become the “Make America Florida” State and the scarred face of the Republican Party. Even American gangster and businessman, Al Capone, found Florida to be the perfect escape. We have decided what the Dems need to do to win in 2024 is not just to pick the right candidate but also the right slogan. Advertising slogans and jingles are proven to have a…


The Swing of Things

A reformed conservative, fundamentalist son of an evangelical theologian and now an outspoken liberal activist, Frank Schaeffer has proclaimed that the “American Taliban” is the present day threat in this country. He asserts that our domestic war is one of Democracy vs. Theocracy and is a war of religion as the evangelical party clings to their guns. Their attitudes screech of white reign, anti-science, pro-gun, pro-life, anti-women’s movement and embellishes domestic terrorism. The State of Texas yearns to lead in these efforts to control residents as they find themselves living in an anyone can carry a gun, vote-blocking, and anti-women state. Following Texas is Florida, and about five other states, that are also looking into the same anti-abortion bill. Behold the…