Being Woke

We were sitting in a Sarasota NAACP meeting last week when we were informed that it had just been announced that the Advanced Placement course in African American studies was barred in Florida public schools by Ron DeSantis. The letter banning the elective AP course did not cite which law the course violated or what curriculum was objectionable. Yet, it prohibits instruction that could make students feel responsible or guilty for the past actions of others.  In following with his ongoing racist rant, DeSantis, in his lust for repression, also took on the NHL for their diversity job fair and framed their efforts to bring a more diverse workforce to the NHL as a “woke conceit.” These actions follow the…


Dangerous Culture Replacement

Some may recall that from 1956 to 1965, the State of Florida underwent a government-led witch hunt to root out civil rights activists, gays, and supposedly Communists from State institutions. The Johns Committee purge flushed out hundreds of students and teachers throughout the State and accused the NAACP of Communist activities. As history begins to repeat itself, we see a future of purging as a tactic being used in the deep Red States in the name of Christianity. Religion has a way of creeping in and creeping in between. Religion can be a good thing but it can also be disturbing. Maggie grew up Catholic and recalls the priests at Sunday mass yelling at parishioners and telling them what sinners…


Truth or Fiction?

As we have witnessed over the last few days, a new fringe political party has emerged in this country. It could be called the CHUMP Party. Members of the Chump Party are required to be foolish and easily deceived. Those looking to join the party who are not lucky enough to own a Congressional seat, like George Santos, may join at various levels including Sucker, Sap, Gullible and Gaslighter. Beware, the dues are quite high to support the enormous legal fees members may encounter. The Chump Party values reflect the ethical theory of consequentialism. According to this theory, the end justifies the meansin all circumstances. In other words, it is not morally necessary to recognize others and it is acceptable…


And the Beat Goes On

The bowels of the Conservative Right are rumbling. In Florida alone, School and Hospital Boards are being taken over by those wanting their freedom yet denying it to others. The books to be read in schools and libraries and medical care to be provided are all at stake. A Hospital CEO is fired because he imposed a mask mandate during COVID. The mother and family of a transgender child must move out of Texas to Maryland to seek her child’s medical care. Teachers and Nurses who are “woke” or awake to racial injustice are leaving the deep Red States. States are being defined as red and blue while purple fades away. The revolution has begun and there are many on…


Moving On

It may be interesting to see going forward how Trump and DeSantis work out their political affair. Will they marry and have to determine who will be on top? Or will they knock each other off the “king of the hill” position? Or will one eliminate the other and as a result the other splits off and forms a new Party? The next two years should be quite a show, a nail bitter, an edge of your seat thriller. We ask, will Joe Biden run again? We may have that answer in January ‘23. How would you advise him if you were Jill? We are sure that the betting community is on fire with this one. But for now, there…


November Daze

Maggie’s birthday is on November 8th but there is something bigger than her day this year. She recalls, when she was a young girl, her father and grandfather sitting in their den after a rare Tuesday dinner since most family dinners were on Sunday. It was November 8, 1960 and both were glued to the TV. The commentator went on as the two of them sat almost speechless on the edge of their chairs waiting for something big. See, Maggie grew up Catholic and the first Catholic Democrat was running for President. And, being a young narcissist, Maggie couldn’t believe that the outcome was to be determined on her birthday. At the time, Maggie could not imagine anything greater than…


Tough as Nails

From home grown election deniers to politicians on the election trail, we now see how some cornered want-to-be candidates act. For instance, Michigan’s GOP John Gibbs. John Gibbs, supported by the ex-President, founded a “think tank” called the Society for the Critique of Feminism where he argued that the country would be better off if women could not govern or vote. He stated that “this is the best model for the continued success of a society.” And, he asserted that women are not as capable as men at thinking logically “without relying upon emotional reasoning.” As Gibbs goes on to proclaim, “It is clear that the female species were the ones selected by nature to rear children.” He uses the…


In Good We Trust

We accidently turned on the wrong channel the other night and the Ohio rally came on. We watched for about two minutes as the ex-President spewed hate and lies while directing his followers in a Nazi like raised arms, one-finger salute. A narcissist who is so full of rage and, yes, fear. The basic fear of a narcissist is that of being found inferior. What we watched for those two minutes was pure fear of being found a failure. The ex’s rhetoric was full of judgement and insanity rolled into a raging ball of emotional fire. It was disgusting as were the people staged behind the monster. Do those people crave a leader like him so badly that they will…


Who Are Those People?

Who are those “Americans” who praise a single party authoritarian regime? Who are those people who are unadulterated evil and whose desire could drain our country of our Democracy? They are operatives and spies and are despicable people who are involved in espionage right under our noses. People who are so small that they must hold all the wealth and political power they can. They move in clumps, never seen alone, and they work in packs like wolves, spouting the same rhetoric while condemning men and women who do not think or look like them. By their actions, it is impossible to tell them apart. They are nihilistic people who preach moral principles but at the same time reject them.…


Save the Books

Maggie authored a book for young people called Rapt Stack Mountain a couple of years ago. It is about a single, mouse mother who bears two children, Happy and Harmony. And the story goes on, cute and meaningful for all ages. When she offered a copy to the local library, the book sat for review forever and was never authorized to be on their shelf. Gee, we wonder why. A single mouse mother, pregnant, no obvious father, and two wonderful mice kids that explore life from a liberal perspective. Not in Florida! Apparently not in Texas either as we learned that the Keller Independent School District in Texas has pulled over 40 books from their library shelves, including the illustrated…